General Discussion

General Discussionend game strategy

end game strategy in General Discussion

    hi guys i previously watch my replays and some how even though we are in favor in gold and experience we still failed to take racks. like my game here for example if someone can watch the replay it would be really helpfull thanks in advance!


      I feel you bro, you can check my games, getting insane scores and still losing. The thing is sometimes i get so far ahead in the game that i am able to solo their entire team. So they turtle in their base with 5-6 levels behind me and just farm incoming creeps for 20 minutes. My team isn't capable to push with me. I remember one game with pudge when i was basicly spawn killing them but they were so far behind that they respawned 1 by 1 which eventually led to wiping out me and my team so we lost the game. It just happens and you cant do much about it, just keep playin and if you are consistent you will win most of these games.



        They had enough counterpush to hold your team from taking rax (since you lack push compared to them)

        Try to take all their t1 and t2 towers.
        When you're unable to take rax, ward their jungle and smoke up and smoke-gank their jungle.
        Try to get 1 or 2 kills and then take rax since you're playing 4v5 or 3v5.

        Also: do not forget about roshan, when you're dominating the game he's easy to take.