General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't play for a few hours, servers are fucked.

Don't play for a few hours, servers are fucked. in General Discussion

    Beware. If you are winning a match you will be blessed with poor network connection, this game is safe to leave, no stats recorded. Whereas if you are losing, enjoy that loss.


      Fuck that shit. Going back to perfect world.

      Sōu ka

        okay i can reconnect every 5 minutes and then everyones fucking playing the game
        whtat the fucks going on

        Tiny Airlines

          One of my lifestealer games got completely fucked up because of this. Doesn't Valve test any their shit?

          Sōu ka

            okay i was winning it doesnt count now im losing and it fucking counts
            at least 1 guy on the other team reconnected a little slower and got the abandon right before i would have gotten it


              played last one on eu east. west has been full retard for me past few days.


                Why can't I get poor network connection when playing with a 4 stack from hell?


                  i even tried us east and gg game xD
                  on the bright side volvo servers went potato the 4 times i wouldve lost :D so instead of -100 i got -0mmr :D thx lord gaben


                    @Avidity how can you play on the perfect world server?

                    @Samwise I remember playing with you back in the day, hows the climb going?



                      Add "-perfectworld" to your Dota2 launch preferences.