General Discussion

General DiscussionIntellectual disability on dotabuff?

Intellectual disability on dotabuff? in General Discussion

    highly relevant in light of recent influx of shitposts

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      My vote goes to Smaug,: with years of practice he mastered the art of self-deception, his lane dominance is out of this world too (as demonstrated by 43% ranked wr). His insight on dotabuff has been truly valuable.

      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

        My vote goes to Mokujin, whenever he argues his only goal is to insult or trash talk people, he never actually responds to arguments and he believes that his horribly biased thoughts would reflect the world around him. Furthermore, extremely inflated ego full of superiority complexes, ignores all facts and anything that doesn't comply to his set-in-stone opinion, feeling the need to insult other people to show off his dick.

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          pls don't show dick, no homo

          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

            btw, you forgot to put your name on the list. Bad superiority complexes.

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            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

              On a more serious note, I wonder why people always think of "arguing with reasoning and logic" as shitposting. From my perspective, arguing without ever using your brain sounds more like shitposting.

              And the fact that you claim actual intellectuals as disabled just makes this thread very sad.

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                where is FyyQ ?


                  I will consider fyyq when you play 9k OD games

                  Welt aus Eis

                    You have to remove the /r to vote. And I would vote YNIT if he was there


                      @Sano <3 my bad

                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                        Why don't you guys found some hategroup where you can chit-chat about how awesome you are and how stupid everyone else is and how facts and real things don't matter because your theorycraft is always true?


                          As usual smaug thinks the whole forums is in cahoots against him and anyone in disagreement is shit posting while he conveniently avoids logical argument

                          10/10 would vote again

                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                            ^ Well, judging from this thread, I am obviously right, don't you think?

                            And when did I EVER avoid logical argument?


                              Smaug you gotta chill out and not be so close minded, no one is hating you; people are trying to show you are that in you are wrong is some ways, and you don't accept it and instead call everyone stupid for having a different point of view.


                                who the fuck are half of those people xD


                                  These are the recent shitposters from first 3 pages of posts, not Legendary Shitposters :)
                                  btw I saw your game on Dendi's stream when you were Sky and Dondo was invoker, I felt so bad for your meepo.


                                    Always, LMAO!

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                      "Smaug you gotta chill out and not be so close minded, no one is hating you; people are trying to show you are that in you are wrong is some ways, and you don't accept it and instead call everyone stupid for having a different point of view."

                                      You are calling me stupid all the time, isn't literally the only argument you ever bring that I was "a stupid kid who plays bad"? I enjoy being wrong if I am actually wrong, but the problem is, you are not providing ANY reasonable kind of argumentation. Your arguments have absolutely no logical reasoning behind them and are based on fallacies and biases which in itself is already more than proof enough that you lack the intellect to argue in a proper manner, let alone the constant ad-hominem you're using to express your thoughts.

                                      "Always, LMAO!"

                                      These is a perfect example of a very convincing and strong argumentation. /sarcasm

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        oh no! You included smaug on that list!

                                        He is going to call a lawyer and sue you for defamation, libel, slander, and infringing on his HUMAN RIGHTS!

                                        you better escape to the desert OP

                                        Bot Tyrone

                                          I need to tell you a little about how smaug's innate love of absenteeism occasionally shows through his mask of anti-absenteeism. And so I shall. Note that some of the facts I plan to use in this comment were provided to me by a highly educated person who managed to escape smaug's hate-filled indoctrination and is consequently believable. I wonder if smaug really believes the things he says. He knows they're not true, doesn't he? The answer to this riddle lies in the observation that I once read , where some people asked smaug to comment on how his obloquies are a threat to the freedoms enjoyed by all the players in Dota 2. Smaug proceeded to bombard these questioners with insults, calling them stingy, stolid undesirables and the like. Sure, smaug has a reputation for laying into his nemeses, but this moonstruck reaction fails to answer the substance of his opponents' points. And that's it. Like most people that have a louche agenda to advocate, Smaug wants to aid and abet two-faced lowbrows in their efforts to prey on people's emotions of fear, envy, and resentment.


                                            This forum has always sucked, just the same 6-7 people flaming everyone else on every thread

                                            And man, flaming smaug? He obviously has a real problem dude you should give him a break, let him do his thing

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              HOPE ROFL WOULD BE ON IT SOON, he deserves it.

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                Why can't we just talk about dota, not flaming everyone?


                                                  why grim? :o


                                                    Why did people vote on me? And who is this @Mokushit guy?

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      i could have swore hael would`ve been the most voted one but hes not even on the list ;(


                                                        WHERE IS WAVE! I MISS HIM <3

                                                        Game is hard!

                                                          looks like someone has a severe case of butthurt


                                                            @Benao, I didn't vote for you, the people on this forum did (ayy lma0)

                                                            @Satellizer, I think he is a good guy (I guess I didn't have to put him there) just wasn't impressed by his contribution in the best-invoker-thread and his shitpost war with someone else claiming to be 6k.

                                                            @Allison, I'm the leading scientific researcher specialising in recent shitposts only

                                                            @FyyQ, Wave is still in our hearts -> Lol (was that subtle enough). He sais relevant stuff, but is rude most of the time, so it's not really shit-posting.

                                                            @NotSoCuteOwl^^, I don't mind your posts; it's just looks like you are trying to copy Wave too hard... and the posts are not funny/original

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              Ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, for example, when it relates to the credibility of statements of fact or when used in certain kinds of moral and practical reasoning.

                                                              Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                ^ How does insulting someone proves that his arguments are less credible? The sole fact that someone thinks he needs to attack the person instead of his arguments already disqualifies him from any constructive discussion.

                                                                Insulting usually hints that A: you're immature and B: that you think your argument is so weak that you need to improve it by stronger expression.

                                                                Let alone the simple fact that people in this forum only use ad-hominem to distract from the fact that they are unable to provide any arguments.

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                  ad hominem reasoning =/= insults


                                                                    And the biggest shitpost thread award goes to Mokujin

                                                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                      This Smaug, holy shit, can someone be this retarded.

                                                                      I don't get it.


                                                                        All aboard the hate wagon !

                                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                          "ad hominem reasoning =/= insults"

                                                                          You mean calling someone "retard" is an argument? LOL

                                                                          This Smaug, holy shit, can someone be this retarded.

                                                                          I don't get it.

                                                                          Very strong arguments you got there bro. Typical reaction: "Oh no he said something based on logic, I don't know how to react so I must just flame him and call him retard"

                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                                            I'll really have to draw it?

                                                                            "you're 3k mmr" this is ad hominem and it's not an insult


                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              @Aki >Well Played!

                                                                              Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                @rofl, it's false information which is a lot worse than an insult. And just because it doesn't contain a bad word doesn't mean it's not insulting.
                                                                                "You smell, get a shower" is also not using any bad words and is still an insult.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                                  It's an EXAMPLE, it wasn't directed to you. You're definitely trolling, won't discuss anymore. Nobody is this stupid

                                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                    won't discuss anymore.

                                                                                    You never started to.

                                                                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                      Can you please state your logical arguments, or you gonna use fancy words in every post?

                                                                                      You should really go into corner of your room, and think a bit. About world, people, and your fucked up thinking.

                                                                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                        @Linda, here an excerpt:

                                                                                        I mean, you can't have one guy with a 60% winrate and an other guy with a 50% winrate but then both getting from the same MMR A to MMR B. How is that possible? It isn't, unless you decide that the winrate and actual skill are completely unrelated to each other.
                                                                                        This is my argument in the first place and noone even tried to counter it so far. In your example from earlier, I would have chosen the 350 games Omni even if he had only 20% winrate. Why? Because he has 5400 MMR. So if he has 20% it means he came from what, 8000 MMR? So he is still better anyway.


                                                                                          is someone trying to be Hael?

                                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                            Who was heal? i ust have came here as he was bnned or what ever hppened to him as i didnt see his comments.


                                                                                              there have been studies done that found that when a person truly believes something, their brain wont even process information contrary to their belief, regardless of how much proof exists that their belief is false. They are already sure that they are right, why would they ever even conceder that they could be wrong.

                                                                                              this is why christens believe in a book containing no proof other than self contradicting circle logic (sorry christens). this is also why smaug acts the way he does (sorry smaug).

                                                                                              there now I made a shit post with no point other than to be an ass hat, can I be on the list?

                                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                @The Number 12
                                                                                                You will need to try harder then that, ur not even close to this sick bastards.))

                                                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                                                  this is like every other thread minus pretending to know something about dota
                                                                                                  i like it


                                                                                                    ^^^^ hael used to pretend he was 5k and would buy accounts and then drop them back down to 3k, people just insulted him so much he stopped posting.

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      did heal ever shit talk ppl on db?


                                                                                                        not like wave or anything he was mostly just delusional( he thought he was really good at dota), and got upset when people told him he wrong.