General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes dota 2 enforce 50% win rate?

Does dota 2 enforce 50% win rate? in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    My friend says it does. He says whenever you are on a winning streak, Dota will place you with scrubs. He says that there's a pattern in your match history - you win a few matches, then lose a few. He says that by drawing a graph, he will roughly know when to play ranked and when to play normal matches to increase mmr. For example: he wins 3 ranked matches, then through his experience he will play a few normal matches to go through his yet to come losing streak. He is currently rising in solo queue mmr and I'm wondering if Dota 2 really enforces 50%?

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      NextStep ®

        It's forced 55%, I'm sure.

        Bot Tyrone

          it doesn't, but as long as you fall somewhere reasonable on the distribution of skills (and aren't an outlier), you should be reaching an MMR where you are expected to be winning 50% of your games.

          I mean if you start out at something pretty low like 5k, you might have a 60% win rate as you work your way up to 5k. At that point you might start winning 50% of your games, and over the long term your win rate is going to drop down to 50%


            Its actually forced 58%


              forced 69.12


                New Theory. Valve doesn't give a shit whether you win or lose, only about your opinions of the people you played with.


                  Well it's forced 70% on my Lycan and PA.


                    obviously forced doesnt mean for individual heroes
                    nonetheless op's friend is retarded


                      Each game is equal. Doesn't force you to get 50% winrate, the only person that can change it is you.