General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo 3 etherials is op.

Meepo 3 etherials is op. in General Discussion
i'm not gay but $10 is $10

    I found out such meepo build:
    Phase boots, Blink, Aghanim and 3 etherials.
    It works perfectly for pushing. You can easily backdoor everything. I won almost all my games on meepo with Etherial and Phase boots just by backdooring, check my statistics with items on meepo.

    Look at my gameplay with this build, pay attention to the backdooring: ( )
    I deal about 10k TD in every game lately

    Ce sujet a été édité

      I hardly care about this being gimmicky as hell but why Phase over Travel if split push??


        my god get rid of the music


          why build 3 eblades, the shit doesnt stack cd


            The same reason why people stack Hearts or Skadi.


              ahahah normal skill making showcase vids have u no shame

              i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                ^ lmao look at the matches it depends with who I play, I played very high and had 30+ kills and 10k TD many times. Just check matches

                Bot Tyrone

                  +40 AGI and +10 STR. He builds multiple Eblades for the stats, not the active. Its not surprising that it works, the bonus DPS that E-blade provides is actually pretty insane (along with +10 STR), the question is whether or not its worth it over the extra bulk from skadi, or the utlity that an item like Hex provides.

                  I think that with something like 2 EB + Skadi, your DPS is already big enough, and an item like Hex may be more beneficial as it lets you catch out high mobility enemies and kill them pretty quick. Ideal build might be something like BoT, Dagger, Hex, x2 EB + Skadi, will depend on the game of course.

                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                    That is nothing new, I proposed that in thread discussion here


                      @el nino rata ruso
                      There was no backdooring, and hex is THE item on meepo

                      i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                        iWin4Arka #GiveDiretide
                        2:19 backdooring

                        i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                          it's the same like with creeps tho
                          try it in lobby if you're obsessed. you will need about 7 secs to destroy a tower without creeps with 3 etherials

                          i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                            and yea hex is really nice item, I still use it in hard games, but sometimes you need to go on to get etherials and play rat dota


                              Of course it's op when you queue in normal matchmaking and play against a bunch of clueless peruvians.

                              Game is hard!

                                El nino 3k trash


                                  obiously eblade doesnt stack.. u did this only for stats+

                                  i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                    come on man, you don't even know me
                                    I have 4k, not 3k and I easily play there with meepo or invoker, also I have my own reason to have 4k and I don't mind tho.

                                    bum farto

                                      ^ No you couldn't. You stack 100% with people who are 2K-3K and this is effecting your gameplay more than you realize, a lot of the shenanigans that you can get up to in the lower bracket you would never get away with in higher brackets. Being low 4k is as bad as being 3K almost, reaching a low 4k base doesn't suddenly make you a competent player.

                                      I mean you have 11% in Very High Games, 28% in High so you basically stack with shitters to get easier games cause you apparently are too scared to take it alone. If you actually want people to take you seriously then stack with better players or even higher players, or play some solo ranked.

                                      In Very High games your Meepo Drops to 42% winrate with a 2 KDA....just FYI

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                      Bot Tyrone

                                        ^nah man, u reading it wrong.

                                        Out of his total games, he has played 11% in VH and 28% in High, with 57% win rate in VH and 53% in High skill games.

                                        But 66% of his ranked games are in VH where he has a 58% win rate, and also 4.7KDA

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        bum farto

                                          Ranked MM 440 50.91%

                                          Pretty sure it says otherwise, anyways that's not the point I am making. Boasting about being able to stomp shitters is nothing to be proud of and he needs to start playing on people in his bracket or closer to it.

                                          Last "Normal Bracket" game I played I stomped with techies should I make a youtube video about it?

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                          Bot Tyrone

                                            you are welcome to make a video about my last normal bracket game:

                                            i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                              @Havoc Badger | DotaExchangea what a bullshit man?lol
                                              This game was without retarded friends so I was playing in very high skill bracket. It's not normal skill bracket. Just compare the vid and the link
                                              Also look at the graphic difference in earned xp

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                              bum farto

                                                Being in Very High doesn't mean much if you're barely 4K stacking with 3K friends

                                                Let's take me for example stacking with some shitty friends.....oh look, it's also in Very High

                                                TIL: Shit tier players think Very High means they're good.

                                                i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                                  Players think Very high is about 4k mmr

                                                  bum farto

                                                    Very High starts at 3700, no one in their right mind thinks Very High starts at 4K MMR and their have been countless threads made on this topic.

                                                    i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                                      That's why I said about, are you drunk?

                                                      bum farto

                                                        "Players think Very high is about 4k mmr" which players are those, no one thinks that? I am trying to get you to understand that stacking with trash players and stomping games doesn't make you good at a hero.

                                                        You realize that your collective games with these people sit at about 3200 MMR as an average and these games should be a walk in the park for anyone who is above 3600 rating.

                                                        i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                                          Did you play there? It's like playing 1x9 even though it's easy

                                                          bum farto

                                                            I coach people in that bracket all the time and play with some of them as well but do so with the view to improve them and not stacking to get easier games cause I am scared of solo play or playing in my own bracket (which i actually prefer).


                                                              ^I think you're the drunk one my friend :(


                                                                you're trash mmr playing vs trash players and come here to brag?


                                                                gtfo fucktard. sub 4k people have no chance against meepo no matter what shit fucking items you build as long as you're not fucking braindead

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  If you can get to grips with blink/poof than any game fomr 2.5-3.8 is a walk in the park. Low skill players aren't mentally equipped to deal with Meepo in the same way they don't understand the importance of disable, or when you need lock down vs Silence.

                                                                  >In that one page of games with Meepo the ones you won had not 1 single counter to Meepo who requires attention in the same way many of the carries need.
                                                                  >Of the lost games only 3 of those had direct Meepo counters (DP, and Void).
                                                                  >Of all your page 1 games none of them had either a Lich or Earthshaker.

                                                                  Welcome to normal bracket, enjoy stomping people with meepo and living in the delusion that you're actually good.


                                                                    ^or that his build is actually any good too

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                                        isnt 2 EB + Manta better for bd?

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          lol, this guy been trying to build hearth for years cant figure it out.


                                                                            @Havoc Badger | DotaExchange

                                                                            it's 3.8k I think, before flaming others get your facts right.

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              Agreed w OPP

                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                @idiot Cause dotabuff is know for their accuracy, as well as that I have had people in the 3700's be in very high so I am still right anywhere from 3700-3800 can be in Very High because it's a team game and there are 9 other players in the game. I would equally advise you to think before you speak, and I am not flaming anyone....telling someone who's bad that they're bad isn't flaming, I am presenting him with factual information.

                                                                                My facts are as accurate as the information, and my information says anywhere between 3700-3800 can be in Very High.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                  @El nino
                                                                                  Are you fucking retarded ? Creeps just died in their base so they dont have bd protection
                                                                                  Also when they use glyph the building does not regen ? Weird huh ? There might be a lack of bd protection


                                                                                    i wasted 3 minutes of my life watching a video which was supposed to be about a meepo backdooring altho that never happened

                                                                                    PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                                                                      ^ ditto.....


                                                                                        i hope this is a troll thread... 2k mmr

                                                                                        i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                                                                          You didn't see backdoor in the last vid, check the new one. here is totally backdooring


                                                                                            still trying to decide if this is worse than afk jungle np with necro3 midas shadowblade deso and 0k hero damage

                                                                                            ill let you know the results of my tests, just need to find the appropriate russian high bracket server (or 4k russian server)