General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay. 5k mmr games in a nutshell.

Okay. 5k mmr games in a nutshell. in General Discussion

    Step #1 - Get in picking stage
    Step #2 - Pick Slark
    Step #3 - No matter what will happen in the game you will win.

    I got zero ideas how to counter this shit after lvl 6. Insane snowballing potential and ability to escape any gank for 40 mp. After getting one single kill, even if you're downlevelled and underfarmed and bam - Slark is back to the game.

    I know what there is 1000 and one way to counter Slark in pub games. But i really got no idea how you can prevent all-game team raping from Slark on >4.9k games. Lost 4 out of 5 games versus him this week.

    And i forgot. Looking ONLY for support counters. AA/Seeker isn't a counter to current Slark.

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      aoes or silences.

      Sky silence is great if you can get it off before pact.
      Disruptor static storm/cage keeps him locked in place long enough if your team is nearby.
      CM isn't used much, but nova can minimize what he does in his ult.

      ♿Sister Fister

        Good! Fucking Void gave me cancer mixed with Leukemia 5000 out of 6000 Slark games. Thank fuck 6.82 brought the cure.

        Ce commentaire a été édité

          pick enigma or tide or some shit like that




              death prophet can fuck him up real good with a good silence


                Meepo rapes slark any aoe damage or stun - hits him anyway in ulty for the finish

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  void is a hard carry with huge ass blackhole, he is strong early to late game, can solo offlane, and your asking how do you win vs slark?


                    YNIT slark is a very strong carry who can destroy void as well..


                      yes ynit void has a blackhole^^ Kappa
                      and chrono doesnt give vision if slark pops his ulty quick enough

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                        wtf... who cares if slark hits ulti before and has it on during chrono, thats even better! he's useless afterwards

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          didnt say he is weak, just saying that void is bigger of problem, he is very strong hero, needs another small nerf, or buff to void, dp and razor. sorrow you know what i mean, No other hero has such long and huge area stun as him. slark is good hero, sometimes when he gets huge just wonna leave game, but thats supper rare, most of time its freaking void who gets mask trads and out of no where chrono ur team and kill 2 supports, eziest shit eve mask trads, rllly?

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            chrono lasts longer anyways lmao


                              umm benao the alternative is slark dying so I don't think it's really better

                              ♿Sister Fister

                                void, axe, disruptor.. they are general culprits


                                  its not @ginseng if he's alive 1 hit away or some shit without any more aoe or cleave then he can wipe the enemy team, starting with ulti right after

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    void with same farm will kill slark with same farm, mid game and after, mbe early if he backtraks some right clicks, but the biggest thing i hate is that void can backtrack spells like lion ult lina ult crits and that skill is not even ultimate. thats crazy skill which should be his ultimate

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      there is such thing as forestaff blinks yules and kite, his ult is not that long

                                      ♿Sister Fister

                                        well it's called backtrack for a reason- it just aVOIDs the damage, not the effect which is different from evasion and it's not reliable since it has a chance to occur, whereas his ulti is utterly complete cancer as anything else that can't be countered with linkens and/or bkb.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          it can be countered by positioning and a stun, his backtrack cant be countered nothing, not even doom with aghs. never know when he will backtrack, i once backtracked 3 lich ult bounces and dodged 4th one by jumping.


                                            Ancient Apparition ulti gets him pretty good. Most lategame carrys will naturally outcarry him. Blademail users like Centaur can force him to buy BKB and limit his ability to snowball.
                                            Slark can't do much to Phoenix at all.


                                              ah and i forgot, axe is super gay vs slark, he's just fucked

                                              harvard graduate

                                                I am not a good Slark player and only 4.2k but the support that just seems to fuck me the most is Skywrath. Obviously, when he is on his own or a bad player and casts his silence while he hears Dark Pact going off, he is such a free kill. If he goes with another core hero tho and maxes silence, I find it really hard to really do a lot.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  what kind of sky maxes his silance lmao, its qwqeqrqewerewwsrssss


                                                    aa is pretty annoying (aa + doom is lethal all the time)
                                                    enigma (not a shit that buy meckansm though, a true one that can use his ultimate, thx to bkb + dagger)
                                                    axe with blade mail
                                                    legion, either with a little of feed or with blade mail

                                                    that's the cheapest way to counter him.

                                                    (and since bullshit is no longer in the game, and chrono finally fixed, i agree that he might be a bit too strong right now, but the only way i found to fix that, is to put a cd on essence shift (like 0.7 sec), so he lose some power in late game


                                                      Man, most of you gotta read, he was asking about supports.

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        void can support too, he can do anything he is superman


                                                          At the very beginning of the game my whole entire team all leave I was left alone. And in the end to win !!
                                                          One against all!! See my game state :)
                                                          And please reported this guy in my team! .. My all friend reported their, I hope they go down! :)
                                                          Do not be upset when left alone in the game, you can always win :)

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            lots op ppl been able to 1 v 5 its not that hard, u get shit loadof gold.


                                                              Omni pretty good against him if he has a silence with him, just played a game not 5k, but started snowballing went about 7-0 before they went with 5 and had an orchid along with omni's repel to keep me close without my pounce to escape vision and start regening

                                                              Sadly ended up losing, but then again my team honestly stayed in jungle whole game getting picked off yelling at each other, so it might've not been Omni or the silence

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                meepo does reasonably well. just stomped the slark in my last game.
                                                                old meepo used to lose mid 1v1 vs slark, but now with lvl3 ulti you'll come ahead more times than not.

                                                                edit: oh, support counters. well if you could counter carries with supports you would have 5 support lineups then. but what matches reasonably well are aoe stun supports.
                                                                something that can lock him down even in ulti. like shaker, lina, lion, earthspirit, that sort of thing.

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  Slark falls down when it comes to team-fighting.

                                                                  What slark loves is, dying one by one or map without vision.

                                                                  The only way to coutner him is not to feed him. And how to do that?

                                                                  Ward the map, stick together, carry a tp!

                                                                  Problem solved.

                                                                  If you feed him hard and he gets something like SB/SKadi or Dagger/Skadi or Sange/Yasha/Skadi in 25-26 mins, it's pretty much gg.

                                                                  Yes, you can kill him, but while you're tryin' to kill him, there is awlays some spectre, Void or Antimage which will kill you.


                                                                    Slark is one strong hero if you play him right, when he steals enough stats from essense shift he becomes scarier than even some hard carries.


                                                                      If. Bigi if. :)


                                                                        Try lesh, max edict. At least he can't farm you after he hits 6, he can either run or die (if you land stun, surely dies). Q, W, R all goes through.
                                                                        Just saying.


                                                                          es and es

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            The only hero that I have trouble with when playing slark is techies. 2 mines and I am dead. Have not really figured a way of dealing with him yer

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              I just realized that all the people I coached have higher MMR than me now :/

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                                                                Game is hard!

                                                                                  Well that is not hard considering you probably are 3k or something.


                                                                                    In other words, they just got carried into higher mmrs than you are.
                                                                                    5k and cry about slark? sounds like 3-4k to me

                                                                                    Since the pool of bad players is so big - bad players play against bad players and the pyramid stacks up even to the highest ratings and the lucky ones get to be on top without deserving to be there. The density gets rarer as you progress into the very top of course.

                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      @NotSoCuteOwl^^ Yes I am about 2.7 - 3.1K but I am trying really hard to get 3.3K.


                                                                                      When I coached Mekarazium he was about highish 3k's and now he's 5K, when I was helping Drophar (Alison) same thing. Now they're all 5K solo queue'ers and I am here eating sandwiches for lunch. GGWP.


                                                                                        /\ how much for clockwork coaching

                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          -1 aegis




                                                                                              Slark can be countered by several ways ... doom with aghas , void chrono yes it doesnt show him if he ulti fast enough but he waste his ulti u kill him in manfight like ez + in team fight chrono if he ulti u kill his team mates when his ulti is off u kill him manfighting too ez 4 void , sky with 0 cast animation silence , disrupter ulti , meepo , phantom assasin , necro , aa is huge counter if he gets his scepter , this might sound wierd and im sure 99% doesnt know it but zeus can rape slark his w can hit him while invis yes i found it the hard way and slark is kinda squishy so zeus w can rape slark while invs

                                                                                              And the best counter to slark 5 man early if u have better team fighting and if not walk at least 2 together , best counter to slark trust me , slark is a solo killer who can rape lone heroes , but cant do shit to 2 3 heroes together , ofc at late mid game he can kill u before his ulti is down but start 5 maning or at least 2 maning past lvl 6 7 , he wont be able to get kills aka no snow ball aka alot of his potential is down
                                                                                              Sry for bad english , thats the way to counter slark from my experience



                                                                                                I think the best thing he could do is play a few games of slark to understand the hero's weaknesses better.