General Discussion

General DiscussionThey must implement new option: avoid player !!!

They must implement new option: avoid player !!! in General Discussion

    Do you agree?!
    If you dont like playing with someone you should be able to block any chance getting matched in same team with that player.


      imagine u do this with every noob u face or team up with.. then u will queue for 1hr or play alone vs bots


        Well i said you have option, not that you have to do it.
        Are there any chance of that becoming possible?
        I dont play other games like LoL or HoN, but i know Dota and those 2 copy each other, so is there option like that in any of those?


          ez plant


            yeah that would be great then i could Dodge all 5-6k players and get 100k mmr

            Jorges Sanz

              or they could make a public lobby for non auto queue..


                Exploitable and could in theory make matching take many, many, many times longer than currently. Will not happen.


                  Maybe have an option to avoid them bring on your team again but you can still go up against them. That and only have 3 of these per month


                    You can mute whoever you don't like. And even better, you will see when these "noobs" are in the opposite team.


                      wow, not many read complete post:D
                      OP did say about not having the blocked guy in the SAME team, since who cares if blocked noob is in the opposite team right?
                      Therefore it's not possible to abuse it that easy, if you block "5k" players, you will not get them in your team, instead they will be matched against you.
                      And if you get lon queues... yeah well your decision.
                      Defo good feature.


                        Not good feature. Everyone has bad games and looks like a complete moron sometimes. This would make MM just way too complicated.


                          Seto EVERYONE would get longer queues. That's the problem.

                          Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                            I want to avoid all blamers.

                            Seto, what about the 4 other guys who have to suffer imbalanced games just because of your long queues?

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                              but i guess valve has a team evaluation report just for the.In the last question it asks would you like to play again with this player.I think it works.
                              Can anyone tell how report system works.Reported a couple of players that were noob . But in my case valve acted only against one sniper that started intentional feeding because he felt templer assasin is noob, he threw away all his items and would go and just stand in the middle of the fight just to die.I guess we all reported him and very next day i got a mail from steam in this matter that they have taken action against player/players reported by me.So my point is are they actually seeing the match? If somebody is reported,because others guys i reported were feeding but not intentionally as they were new perhaps to the game or hero.

                              so if anyone has idea how report system works plz explain