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General DiscussionNeed some help with TA

Need some help with TA in General Discussion

    I recently startet playing TA and I think she really suits my play style. Last game I was against sky mid, I wasn't sure if I should max refraction cuz his spamming but at the same time it seems logical cause its damage block. I felt I was pretty useless that game cause the PL and his illusions completely rekt me and I basically couldn't do anything against him. I don't know if accault cuirass would have been good against him or a heart. I got to 3.7k today and I want to reach 4k soon and I think if I practice TA I can do it.


      Summon @allison


        You max refraction vs most oppenents, but you can opt to max meld to kill heroes who remove your refraction fast like Ember/ Pudge


          i would take refraction over meld even against certain match ups like viper, ember in general

          illusion heroes in general just counter you and are a pain in the ass since you can't cleave when hitting illusions

          nope heart and assault are pretty bad items on her in general.


            Listen to Zenoth he is a legit player, just as good as Na'Vi US.Brax


            too bad that 84% of his TA matches were played in Normal

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              is it a dick measuring contest time? did i even make any claims as to my level of competency at that hero?

              i'm just trying to give relevant advice here, i didnt even bring out my own stats.

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                meld main builds are awful against high range heroes except maybe razor its max refraction 100% against skywrath


                  You do have more games than me and most likely at a higher level, so I guess that matters /


                    Thanks for the help I appreciate it!

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                      I'm about your range in mmr. Got like +500 points (3900 atm) by playing mid or carry. Also most of those games i went mid was with TA and i think i only lost twice with her in Solo Q and i had around 12 - 15 games with her solo. The games i lost was also because of me throwing away our early lead, bad decision making lategame, and the fact my team expected me to solo carry them. And as the above posters said. Max refraction against sky. Went against a sky mid once as TA. He picked after me so i dunno if he wanted to counter me but you should be able to wreck him on last hits and denies at this bracket since most mid players here don't even block first wave or basic creep aggro.

                      Thus was the game. I was around 3.6k at that time i think.


                        oh and i suggest you watch wagamama or dragonfist's stream on twitch if you want to learn more about the hero. Really learned a lot about TA just by watching waga's stream.


                          Idk, Zenoth is a better player than me but I don't see why would you max Refraction over Meld against Ember. Against Viper it's ok


                            i feel like 2-2-1 gives the best results