General Discussion

General DiscussionJust, wtf is wrong with this people?

Just, wtf is wrong with this people? in General Discussion

    I don't get it. I don't cry, I'm just disapointed. If people can be so stupid, I hope some aliens will come and kills us all.

    Linda | DotaExchange

      It is just a fucking game, not a matter of life or death, jezz

      Game is hard!

        I don't get it. I don't cry, I'm just disapointed. If people can be so stupid, I hope some aliens will come and kills us all.


          So what? What's your point?

          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

            From personal experience. Telling your team mate how shit they are usually make them play better. Or you can juat pick a hard carry and farm.


              I swear to god, I didn't tell them how to play or how bad they are.

              I just played and that's all.

              I know, everyone have bad games, bad day or some shit, but it's just amazing how this Warlock blames me because PA has better farm then me.

              Watching Void is just another story. His desicion making is rly weird, I have no idea what's going on..

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              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                I would lol. But I only do so when they seem really dumb.

                You also play rank and I rather play SC2 rank than dota2 rank lol.

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                go kill urself

                  game is not winnable, move on