General Discussion

General Discussionchaos knight?

chaos knight? in General Discussion

    im wating to learn a new hero, and he seems like alot of fun, good last hitting early etc, his main flaw seems to be mana,

    should i be getting an early bottle or wand?

    or perhaps a soul ring?




        The only game I've won with Chaos Knight was when I rushed 6 gauntlets of strength into 6 bracers into 6 drums of endurance. Offlane most suitable for this strategy.

        btw drum charges for days

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          yeah he seems like a very weak pick, i mean you have to spend all game farming it seems or ganking, he goes oom so fast.

          seems theres alot harder carries if thats your thing, what do i know though.


            Probably one of the less entertaining carries


              i like him alot, good base movement speed, his early game just sucks horribily imo and he needs items bad.

              after they ruined tusk snowball im looking for somebody else to play, rip tusk.


                Man, CK is a trashcan hero - a weak melee carry with no mana, no farming abilities, no reliable escape. Not to mention hes boring as fuck.

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                Game is hard!


                  The drums made my day. Oh my good, so epic.


                    while he does not have massive wave clear, im finding once you have manta you can farm fairly quickly.


                      Lol 6 drums . I'm doing this tomorrow. But I always thought of him as a carry for mid game domination strats rather then a standard hard carry

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                      Dire Wolf

                        You would think that but his mana pool is shit and his illusions aren't that good without items. He's a lot more late game oriented than you realize.

                        He is easy to build though. You can go boots, drums, sange & yasha, heart every time throwing in a bkb as necessary and it will be fine. You do not need to get fancy with his build. Sometimes an armlet is good too.

                        He just sucks at farming. Think wraith kind with a less reliable crit and without vamp aura. Or think sven without his cleave. And that's basically what you have for farming capabilities. You need a good support so you can dominate a lane early cus you are not flash farm catching up later.

                        ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                          I played as Chaos Knight in a death match, we won and i survived to the end. But the only floor was i haven't wanted to play with him again. The hero that i'm currently learning and enjoying even when i'm put in mid is Treant Protector, he's pretty boss if you get the right build and you play properly and not greedy with him :)

                          Dire Wolf

                            I just don't see the point in playing chaos knight over dragon knight, sven or wraith king.


                              drums are best item i agree hotsalza

                              Kapitan Timba

                                I remember in dota 1 back in the day his stun used to random at 1-4 at 1.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  People just play him wrong. His farming isn't that slow, he at least has a crit. Also they try to push and take teamfights without their ultis which just end up being huge catastrophies. And don't try to take the game late with him. Having Drums, BKB and Heart is the perfect time to fight for him.


                                    Dat CK ihv biggest record in kill with him
                                    his farm isn't bad, just rush PT>Drum>Dominator(if want survivability) or SnY(early teamfight)>Heart
                           (lucky win)
                           (best HD and TD, and Jugg KS with Omnislash)

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                                      "his farm isnt bad, just get items for fighting instead of farming on him."

                                      > His farming isn't that slow, he at least has a crit.
                                      that is no more effective than it is on other heroes for farming. the average DPS is on the lower side of crits anyway, and you waste more damage when you crit a creep that is already low on HP.

                                      the low crit chance makes it strong if you get lucky and get a higher percentage of crits in a small number of attacks resulting in a ridiculous temporary dps increase (e.g. if you have 4 cks attacking and they all crit, then that's a temporary 1200% damage increase), making it better for fights and less useful for farming compared to a crit that has a higher crit chance and a lower multiplier but the same overall dps increase.


                                        this one is to all who hates ck...first he is a moster once he hits level 10...thouh i dont have very good win % with him...its because my team mates sucked hard...after all dota is a team game..he is the only hero who has complled my teammates to give me leadership commendation without even askin for..because those two games we fought 3 vs 5 and without any further ado..i tell u wat i do

                                        for those who want to come online fast get stout shied tango two branches n courier ....tht wt i do..because my team thinks courier is easy...level is the all thise out their who loves farming ck is not for you...he needs levls not gold...even when getting harassed just tower hug n dont die...hope fully lvl 10 u have pt magic wand stout me tht all u need for double or triple kills..force team fight ..ulti..reality rift stun...finshed...

                                        now guys who tell mana problems...i dont suffer much because my game is centred around ulti..after alti n gettig two three me this is wat u get when u utlti...with maxed ulti triple kill is normal...ok so after ulti i just run back...with waterver health i have i farm jungle or lane..waiting for ulti to cooldowm...just before cool down i visit fountain n tp to lane where i can initiatr again whola...thts the is nessasry if u want to use as many phantasam as possible in game...

                                        my item progression...firts major item..point booster yasha ultimate orb manta then convert point booster to skadi...skadi manta pt is core...guys dont even thinnk of getting hotd of any life steal iteam alteast before your core..

                                        if u do this u surely gonna do wonders..u can check my replays if u r intrested..the playstyle