evejobodi kno it men
draft lategame
farm efficiently
manipulate mapcontroll in order to make enemy walk around map not farming efficiently
rape enemy with farm advantage
push is always best if you can get your team to do it, some combo of pugna/thd/np and so on
It's pretty simple, the new meta does actually reward late game potential. Roaming and early push will still help you, but heroes with no mid/late game potential usually end up very useless.
I have 65% winrate my past 2weeks, but it doesn't really go well.
I hate this patch, and waiting for next patch before I gonna grab dota up agian "hardcore" -wise.
dumb inflated euro cant keep up with his inflated mmr by 5 man pushing anymore
All opinions are welcome, lane support doesn't cut it for me anymore. Maybe I should start mastering another kind.
You can still go for lane support, but make sure it has some mid and lategame potential. That is also the reason why you see so much ogre latetly
Ogre can zone out very well. Get shield and you can keep doing shit. Courier + stout+ tango and 2 clarities. Get soul ring and tranquils and never go to base again.
Greedy carries! I played greedy carries mainly before the patch and now. My mmr went up by nearly 400.
since the introduction of ranked games people with more than 500 ranked games are like 800+ mmr higher than they calibrated i guess so unless you're talking about a recent development that's really underwhelming
ES razor all the way ;D Oh and invoker is mean as fuck Sunstrike through bkb urn + coldsnap win
try one of the top heroes offlane
viable offlaners from a glance at the top heroes
omni, necro, abaddon, centaur, panda, viper, warlock, zeus, earthshaker, void, riki (with change to riki's invis this works pretty well), veno, elder titan
games are won by the offlane not feeding and later being useful despite having not much farm
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What is the most successful tactic this patch? In 6.81, I would pick a lane support and aggresively zone out enemy offlaner so my carry would roll the enemied OR get an aggresive carry and force my team to 5man with me and take all towers. That's how I used to stay above that rank.
Now none of these work...