General Discussion

General Discussionmedusa without split shot and other tales

medusa without split shot and other tales in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    So uh, why would you not spec split shot entire game? I asked the guy and he said for fighting early. Um ok stats are good then but at level 20? Pointed out to him two different team fights where we wipe em if he has it. His response was I'm doing fine as is thanks. Is there some secret medusa build I'm clueless about?

    And then holy shit, why would you not finish boots on phantom assassin? 30 attack speed for a meesly 950 more gold? Isn't that a no brainer?

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        Some people do weird shit for fun. I've seen Druid without bear and Illidan.Stormrage did no Flame Breath on DK


          If medusa has a safe lane to farm going stats isnt really a bad idea since early game she doesnt have enuf damage to justify maxing split shots, not to mention pushing creep wave to other side also the mana shield drains too much mana to spam mystic snake. I dont see whats wrong with that. Split shot is only maxed when you go ancients.

          The PA stuff does seem to be a no brainer unless he wanted to go boots of tavel first then found too much farm to care about it. Hehe

          Dire Wolf

            I understand early, but why wouldn't you then max it when you transition out of lane phase into team fights?

            Jay Ashborne

              Medusa shield used to have a .1 sec transformation time. Best skill dodge disjoint of all time.