General Discussion

General Discussioncd/cm soloq never again.

cd/cm soloq never again. in General Discussion

    If you ever want to try cd, cm cause you are tired of counter picking or whatever in AP, dont. Simply dont... Even in middle 4k, difference in mmr is so fucking big it is hilarious 4900, 4500, 4200, 4100, 3950. Same shit in opposite team and in both games. Heroes? Cm mostly what is popular in competitive (boring and monotony) while cd is maybe something OKish and playable but difference in MMR is so fucking huge.

    We have just 1 mode for soloqueing in ranked and thats what they should really change IMO.

    Jay Ashborne

      CD is pretty good. I hated it at first, now I try too queue for it as frequent as possible.

      one and half gun

        cd/cm is just for abusers to get high rating when they queue into a friend who either throws if enemy mid or plays seriously in same team

        it also inflates their rating a lot

        formula for cd/cm is
        cd/cm - 1000 = true mmr rating
        cd/cm with a friend in solo queue - 1250 = true mmr rating

        Keyboard Wario

          CM is pretty baws - I like bringing in a stack and I always captain - it's some of the pro meta, mixed in with whatever is working in pubs at the time, mixed in with some egotistical captain's delusions of grandeur, I quite like it :D

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