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General DiscussionBlog: MMR is a conspiracy

Blog: MMR is a conspiracy in General Discussion

    Idk how since I didn't do anything different but I went from 3800 to 4600 in the past month in solo queue

    I still barely hit 4x/5x the cs as a freefarm carry

    I'm apparently a really bad mid

    I don't see a difference in skill

    stupid stuff like no flying cour till 10mins+ and no wards seem abundant

    maybe I just magically improved idk but my winrate isn't decreasing despite going up in MMR

    conspiracy theory: higher mmr being better skill is a big lie, my whole life is a lie

    I'm gonna go onto 5k then update this blog, I guess it will take me 1~2 days if I actually try

    one and half gun

      im gonna go = buy a 5k acc? let me know the name of it so i can dodge if ur in my team


        you mean buy boosts? since I will be using this account.

        Idk, don't need them. If 4600 games feel like 3800 games then I doubt 5000 will be much different.


          gl on 5k man


            4600 games feel like 3800 and 6800 games feel like 2600.
            gl on 5k tho

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              Did you ever stop and consider that maybe you're improving even if you don't notice it? I calibrated really low and remained there for like 8 months cause I rarely played solo an when I did it was never really going anywhere. then in like 2 weeks of playing really hard I went up about 600 rating and kept it there for ages.

              I got lazy again and lost about 300 of that but I am since pulling it back. This is how MMR goes and it's not like it has no meaning or is a lie but you at 4.6K might be playing better than the other 4.6K guy that is tired, or on a smurf etc. It doesn't mean the system's a lie, it's just that under certain conditions things can appear that way.

              Dire Wolf

                Idk seems like a bunch of those wins were tb, meepo and techies. Techies, maybe you're the one competent person playing him among a sea of morons? People just get surprised by him? And tb and meepo are like mmr grinding heroes for people good with them. I think just finding a groove with certain heroes will do it. Unfortunately I cannot get into any sort of groove. My brother went from ~3300 to 4k just playing bloodseeker and weaver. He has an ungodly 75% win rate on weaver with 62 ranked games played and 70% on bs with 76 games played. Oh and he quit spamming LC which he only has a 44% win rate with 57 games played. I basically banned him from playing LC any more with me and pointed out that win rate to him and he finally stopped spamming her. When I asked him what he did to get to 4k he said IDK, picked weaver a lot.


                  wards are a scam.


                    SE Asia. Yea you're probably right, you'll do fine 5K too.

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                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!