General Discussion

General DiscussionProof that MID is BEST for raising mmr

Proof that MID is BEST for raising mmr in General Discussion


    just look that match, ta is boosting acc, 4300mmr. his real mmr 6k ish

    feed wars mid vs top lane, who win? MID OFC

    Despite ld feeding like tard 0 5 on enemy gyro it was smooth for TA for win, happens to all of us who dont play mid.

    I laguhed so hard, recoomend this game to watch for sure!!!

    also proof that 4.3k is utter garbage!!!

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      playinginursockdrawer mm soc

        why all the deletes?
        anyways, proof that mid is the worst for mmr

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          one and half gun

            i go mid, i get dumb carry euro shitters with inflated rating

            i go carry, i get dumb mid euro shittters with inflated rating

            etc with every other lane


              Go mid only if you are better mid then the average mid players at your rating. Being 5k mmr and playing mid like a 4k does not win you games.

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                that is true ofcourse. but the point is its easier for dedicated mid player to advance then from dedicated suport/carry even

                one and half gun

                  its easier if ur not playing in eu full of inflated players with 6k+ rating when they should be at 4k, dont let me get into those who instapick tinker


                    ...assuming they belong to higher bracket.


                      ok top end of spectrum is a bit diffrent surely, but lets say some1 wants to advance from 3.5k, mid is a way to go
                      ( assuming his mid skills are equal to his skills with other roles)

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                      one and half gun

                        if u want to advance from 3.5k all u need is a brain and u'll pull off 1x9 dota up to 5k


                          i will folow this guy wave, i wonder will he have 4800mmr hell luck with TA like u did :) (fan of yours!), my mmr is 5100

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                          one and half gun

                            which region do you play in? if you play in eu, just play in russia

                            ive met singsing there many times, last time i met him was yesterday. there are way too many inflated players with 6k+ rating in EU who plays pure shit


                              i play offlane/support on faggoted eu servers. if u go russia with 6k u get 4k teammates no tx, theres at least some chance in eu u get real 5k+

                              one and half gun

                                no im srs russia is like us east

                                not that many playesr with 5k+ and the 4k players in russia know they are shit and support

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think you should just play what you're best at. Mid has most game impact but it's also the hardest position.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    ^hell no

                                    Support is the hardest position by far

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                                        In low MMR (I mean the lowest you can go) if you do well in one lane.. the others fail. safelane weaver... warlock steals farm, and tries to 1v1 a troll one too many times. He wouldn't listen and buy sheepstick so I had to smh


                                          if you have reaaaaaallly low mmr after 600 games (less than 100) and by really low i mean 1000-1900
                                          make a new account cu playing with 7 year old kids is not gonna get you anywhere.
                                          it is the only time i would recommend smurfing.

                                          wasted penguinz

                                            i know no person who has 1k mmr
                                            thats nearly impossible :o


                                              i grind mmr easier with void than with other mids (except by Tinker who is a carry after all)