General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is terrorblade's winrate so low?

Why is terrorblade's winrate so low? in General Discussion

    0 points for a win, ROFL. Nice win streak tho.

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      Most people don't jungle tb, they go safelane and still try to splitpush because "jungling isn't fun" - my friend

      Dire Wolf

        because of shit like this

        2600 tower dmg on tb in a 50 min game. We bought him so much time, so much space, we were ahead 24-18 at one point and he wasn't even close to raxing. Buys radiance and doesn't split push. Fucking morons have no idea how to play tb.

        Dire Wolf

          "Most people don't jungle tb, they go safelane and still try to splitpush because "jungling isn't fun" - my friend"

          That doesn't even matter, the problem is they still try to fight on tb instead of rat. They have no clue how much tower dmg he can dish with meta up and they get disabled and die in 2 seconds in team fights.

          karen's ♥

            i dont jungle either brah. i go either mid or safelane. mostly mid since i dont trust pubs to supp.

            Kamado Kun

              whats a good guide for jungle tb pls?

              karen's ♥

                never jungled tb in my life.



                  ^ This guy explains TB jungle very well.


                    I think that TB has a low winrate because people go for drums pms those kinds of stuff as a starting item and
                    their play style is a fight early instead of pushing.

                    Most of the time when I play with another TB player he prioritizes on his ult and 1st skill.

                    karen's ♥

                      i always get stout + quelling + tango/salve as starting items and go pms into aquila and i add 0 level of q until my last 4 levels since the nerf in lvl 1 duration makes it a pointless skill to have.


                        Why pms though? I feel like the 7 amour on TB is enough.

                        karen's ♥

                          because being able to block 20 flat damage from right click harass 100% of the time makes a HUGE difference early game.


                            Wouldn't that mean that you will be susceptible to magic dmg early on?


                              I mean like they're playing hard carry but don't fight, build drums and early push.

                              karen's ♥

                                you're gonna be weak to magic damage no matter what items you go its just that no hero has the kind of burst to one shot you before lvl 6 and being a melee hero in mid lane means alot of the harass will come from their right clicks.

                                karen's ♥

                                  i choose lane over jungle cos in the jungle you do the same routine every game. farm XXX items by XXX minutes then proceed to XXX to do XXX whereas laning is more flexible since there arent any specific timings to follow. if my lane oppo makes the mistake of going to another lane to gank, his tower is as good as gone. maybe 2.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    I'll try pms TB then

                                    Treefolk Legend

                                      I dont get it either, hero is not that hard at all, I think people just dont bother learning how to play him and plain suck, the builds I see make my head asplode.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Laning with him is fine, you can still get farm in lane you're just vulnerable to ganks. The issue is people try to figh with him instead of push and avoid fights. He is such a shitty fighter, only able to go 1v1 vs right clickers and burst th down wi meta. In a team fight he dies in seconds before he can sunder. People need to embrace the rat or he will always suck. And you have to be able to farm a bit 600 gpm is kind of a min on him but people still won't get that cus they don't clear jungle with illusions etc


                                          do u push only with that shit or fight i cant win with that hero


                                            It's like Lycan. Ratting is better than fighting 9/10 times.


                                              stop call it jungle, it's wood... or forest

                                              That's like if you were calling black people pow


                                                @Hardcore Heathen: Not really, Lycan is amazing at teamfights if his team has enough CC and a BKB is core on him anywayws, so he's not making weaker his pushing power by building a fighting item - he will push as fast as before and he will destroy the enemy team in fights. TB, on the other hand, has extremely low hp which means he will be bursted down in no time if he has no bkb. And a BKB delays way too much his split pushing power.


                                                  It is low because many people do not know how to play him efficiently. Sure it's easy to play him but you need to know what the best way to him is.

                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                    i decided to pick up tb again

                                                    my teammates complained of "feelings of irrelevance" and "lack of contribution"


                                                      ^ moth to a flame

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                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          I dont understand how someone can get so much farm

                                                          Rust in Peace

                                                            tb = op


                                                              TB is easy as hell, people just suck at microing anything more than one unit


                                                                Which is why I'm pretty sure Arc Warden's winrate will be deceptively low as well when he gets into Dota2.


                                                                  ??? just afk in jungle and micro illusions to farm. ez 10-13 cs/min

                                                                  not to mention zenoth is playing with 3k/low 4k friends so the other team is mostly brain dead anyways and won't try to interfere with his jungling

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    when u play with friends who are -1000 MMR or more compared to you, it's easier to just ignore their feeding and play a 1v5 hero despite their protests.

                                                                    proof: he doesn't play like that when he invites me


                                                                    i am graciously flattered

                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité


                                                                      Really fun hero, one of my favorites atm. Generally looking at Zenoth's or Matrice's replays and trying to learn as much as possible.


                                                                        Thx to techies on other team
                                                                        I'll start picking TB more often :laugh:

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          He isn't like lycan at all.

                                                                          Lycan has hp. TB has extremely low base health and gets blown the fuck up.

                                                                          Both can go bkb early to fight but it hurts TB's push more than lycan's imo.

                                                                          Lycan has a snare immunity and can run away from a bad spot. TB has sunder but it's quite hard to get it off against anyone competent since stun, silence stop it and the range is so short.

                                                                          Lycan is a much better fighter, TB really sucks at fighting until he is 6 slotted and way ahead in farm.

                                                                          And I don't know why anyone would think TB is hard to micro. He only ever has two illusions up at a time (minus manta if you build it) and all you have to do is click on one and press attack move somewhere further up in the lane and bam, lane pushed. Then you move to another lane. Simple, takes 3 seconds.


                                                                            You know what they say "Play TB like a silenced Shadow Fiend."

                                                                            TB doesn't have to be 6 slotted to fight, it all boils down to positioning. Although, you should avoid [almost] all team fights if you don't have metamorphosis.

                                                                            I think there's more micro than 'A moving' there are there's stacking, last hitting, not blocking the neutral camp, those small things.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              All valid points though even shadow feind has better hp growth than tb. and like you said, sf has range, tb needs meta up. And sf's win rate is only like 1.5% higher than tbs so maybe he's not a great example of why you should team fight on tb lol.

                                                                              Besides if a team fight is breaking out 4v5 all you need is for your team to back up to towers and defend and you can take towers solo during that distraction whereas your presence in the team fight hardly guarantees a win. I get bitched at a lot when playing tb for completely avoiding team fights but the team will often wipe either way, might as well push. I will join team fights if I think I'll be the swing vote.


                                                                                It's kind of hard to understand what you're trying to point out here.

                                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  That it's almost always better to pure rat on tb imo, avoid fights entirely. Just cus you can play like a silenced sf doesn't mean it's the best way to play him.