General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat sub-role are your favorite?

What sub-role are your favorite? in General Discussion
7Mad About You

    That's just the tip of the iceberg.
    Correct me if i'm wrong, i'm using an old DotA 1 sub clasification we made with some friends back in the old days.


    [*]Hard carry = Spectre, Phantom Lancer (late game hero)
    [*]Semi-carry = Templar Assasin, Viper (early-mid game hero)
    [*]Farm dependant carry = Antimage, Void
    [*]Level dependant carry = O. Destroyer, Storm Spirit

    [*]Single target initiator = Batrider, Vengeful Spirit
    [*]AOE Initiator = Puck, Enigma, Magnus, Tidehunter, Sandking
    [*]Gank initiator (i'm not sure what should i call this ) = Nightstalker, Storm Spirit, Pudge


    [*]Ancient jungler = Tinker, Medusa, Alchemist
    [*]Familiar jungler = Lycan, Enigma, Enchantress, Chen
    [*]Skill jungler = Darkseer, Bloodseeker, Axe.


    [*]Magic/Physical resistance = Pudge, Tidehunter, Bristleback
    [*]Ultimate skill Tank = Wraith King, Abaddon, Pheonix
    [*]Support Tank = Omniknight, Treant Protector, Legion Commander


    [*]Ultimate skill pusher = Death propet, Shadow Shaman
    [*]Creep wave cleaner = Dark seer, tinker, Keeper of Light
    [*]Tower pusher = Lycan, Lone Druid, Nature's Prophet


    [*]Hard support = Crystal Maiden , Ancient Aparition, Jakiro, Rubick, Bane (gold independent)
    [*]Lane Suport = Witch Doctor, Dazzle, Warlock (depends on skill eg: heal)
    [*]Roamer support = Mirana, Vengeful spirit

    Role that not in the list
    Utility role, ganker, nuker, disabler [still need more info]


    [*]America = Peruvian, Brazilian.
    [*]Europe = Cykaland
    [*]Asia = Putanginamoland

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    Miku Plays

      Im trying to learn how to become a proper a ganker atm.. so i guess initiator

      and think LC

      7Mad About You

        i'm bad at initiator because i'm really bad at positioning and timing. E.g hero = Magnus and puck

        i'm prefer more on ganker hero like Night stalker, lion, bane, etc

        Hex Sigma

          My fav is the aoe initiator(dark seer, tidehunter, disruptor, lich, enigma.) My second fav is the roaming support.


            My favourite is pusher. Which would be Terrorblade and Drow. Although, I haven't tried Drow yet.

            And if I do get to a higher MMR I think that I'll go with support and the Feeder role sounds nice so, that's another option!

            7Mad About You

              @Raspharus aoe initiator? have you try invoker.

              @YP.Critalus i should add another sub-role 'clone pusher'. Drow isn't good pusher unless you build manta style in early game. Terrorblade,naga siren and Phantom lancer suit your role

              Dire Wolf

                Farm dependent is kind of dumb cus all carries need farm.

                Quick maffs

                  Oh god why so many roles ....................


                    My favorite is hard feeder and game thrower.

                    Hex Sigma

                      @paige yes i plan on learning it more.

                      FUCK RUSSIA


                        FUCK RUSSIA

                          In dota 1 I played gankers a lot, SF, Veno, Gondar, Pudge, I dont know if its just the meta game, or the fact in dota 1 8/10 people dont bought wards lvl 1, also used to pick ursa mid vs pudge or any other mid so i can rape them :D


                            I'm not sure if void should be under "Farm-dependent" since he is so effective even in a 3 position. Maybe replace it with morphling, naga, those heroes who can and need to farm faster than anyone else in order to carry.

                            And yes, I picked "Farm-dependent carry," so you can legitimately hate me.


                              Out of the categories you had.

                              `AOE Initiator
                              `Familiar Jungler
                              `Magic/Physical Resistance Tank
                              `Tower Pusher
                              `Hard Support & Roamer Support (Can't decide between the two)

                              I like playing caster roles a lot or heroes with spells to use. So nuker I guess as well. and I love to fight so ganker.