General Discussion

General DiscussionIs lina a better mid or support?

Is lina a better mid or support? in General Discussion

    As the title says, i see her often played as support but ive generally only played her mid the few times i've played her and i found the levels really helped her and in pubs its all about ganking and it sure is easy to gank with a lvl 6 lina who can nearly 1 shot most dual laners at this time in the game. Just wondering on everyone's opinion since ive never seen anyone but me play her mid.


      Great at harassing enemy with spells and long range auto attacks. But her animation is so slow, unless fiery soul. I play her mid to harass enemy and like you said fast levels for ganking snowball

      Lina Inverse

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        Hi, I'm bad at the game so I probably should hand out advice but whatever, it might help :^)

        Lina to me is a questionable support, lion does what she does but better however she can sort of scale into a late game semi-carry, which lion can not. She can out-nuke him early however I've found the disable lion gives is better most of the time.

        This means putting her mid is viable but she can also support if you have a set up stun like wraith king's or such.

        Her buffed range means she can trade hits very nicely and that way keep any offlaner away from xp range however she doesn't do it that much better than lion. (670 range compared to his 600 and she has 4 more average damage)

        With the recent patch that made her ulti go through bkb with aghs she could be a niche pick versus certain high armor bkb carries like maybe luna and phantom assassin but that's pure speculation from me.

        In conclusion, I prefer lion, both as support and mid :^) But if I said anything wrong out of ignorance please tell me, I'd love to learn something new!


          She's weak at both roles, but better suited for mid position, imo.
          She needs levels in order to be effective, and by that I mean solo-farming kind of levels in order to deal damage because her nukes are outclassed. She has low cd nukes but she needs mana regen items and a bigger mana pool in order to spam them during fights, because she has mana problems early on. Her stun is not only unreliable but also weak, sitting at 1.9 s at level 4 (which you usually get at lvl 14). All of this means that she's a shitty support outclassed by almost anyone.

          In the mid lane she's very fragile (low ms, no escape) and will get outlasthitted by some heroes due to her horrible att animation. She can, however, farm the lane and jungle with her nuke while bottlecrowing.
          She really benefits from farm: a 10 min euls into a 15-20 mins eth blade is devastating (specially against void). You can get a dagon after that, but she really falls off, so if you need lategame consider building rightclick items (maelstrom, daedalus, mkb, deso, etc).


            she has a very long attack animation and the speed projectile is slow, will only farm mid if spamming her Q

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            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              Lina is only good sub-3.5k mmr. Where you could actually carry with lina with 3-1-3-1 build, which was back in dota 1 days when she could do bloodstone, daedalus, blink dagger & sceptor build. It's doable 3k mmr but any higher and u will just fail.


                I've seen both dendi and arteezy win with farming lina. Specially dendi, he loves lina mid.

                ICE SKULL

                  i sometimes play lina carry but its hard since people expect you to support


                    ive seen merlini win with a bfury ogre magi, that was fun


                      Lina is a terrible support, but people always expect her to buy stuff. She's legit carry, so she's best on a safe-lane position with some good support (VS, CM, whatever).
                      You can go mid, if you'll be able to controll runes and refill bottle - you can farm with spells. Either - no, her attack animation is terrible.
                      She also can go solo-off. But if it's actually friggin solo.

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                      Gertouille la fripouille

                        She's a semi carry, in my opinion.

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                            play her carry in stacks. check s4's games with her.


                              I only play her as a support, good range = good trades with offlaner as well as bkb penetration ability with agha. I could write on about her for paragraphs but I feel my shitty winrate and KDA makes a bad example so I'll leave it at that.

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                I think it matters for what hero she is supporting obviously some things combo > others.


                                  Lina is WEAK roaming support due to a reason she needs at least Eul to start actually effectively roam. She's bad as support overall - she has huge mana problems if her item build is slowed down. Her stun is unreliable (semi-reliable with Eul). Her best scaling skill depends on items heavily, while her nukes fall off extremely quickly if she's underleveled
                                  On the other hand, Lina with items outdamages Sniper easily, while having much better teamfight presence and mobility.

                                  She is great if she either goes for right-click build (like BKB, Daedalus/MKB, Satanic) or for gank and utility (Blink, Hex and then MKB), but that ain't going to happen if you're supporting.

                                  I lost too many games with Lina being forced into support role.

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                                    lina support is pretty weak imo, she really needs levels, or she needs to get carried hard.

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      With the right lineup synergy she can support so obviously some supports fit in the average lineup easier.


                                        shes pretty much like leshrac in the ganking aspect, need someone else to roam together or atleast someone with a good slow/stun to set up