General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it true that you sometimes hate your own race in dota 2?

Is it true that you sometimes hate your own race in dota 2? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Generally speaking? Is it only the americans like fellow americans?

    LL Poroksi



        Dont be racist, that's a crime.

        And crime is for the niggas.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Yeah I hate Turks in my games because they are toxic. They are greedy players, extreme flamers, only speak their own language when they get mad and think they are the best in the team no matter what.

          ICE SKULL

            They are greedy players, extreme flamers, only speak their own language when they get mad and think they are the best in the team no matter what.

            sounds like anyone from europe

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              True actually. It's not a race thing, it's about the brain you have.


                I think the chinese love each other.


                  Italians are so fucking bad for the love of god, all 1k mmr. in top mmr scoreboard there is only 1 italian.


                    Well, I'm a southameican myself but I hate playing with other southamericans. I don't have a problem with the race itself, it's just that most of the times they don't have any kind of game understanding, which leads to horrible decision making, itemization and skill build.
                    A classic example of bad itemization is the southamerican enigma who goes afk farming for 10 mins, doesn't gank, doesn't buy a single ward (forget about courier), buys a blink and then uses his blink effectively to set up ganks goes back to afk farming a bkb which he will use to keep farming, of course. It's even worse the midas rush enigma (srsly, wtf).
                    I played with a peruvian faceless void whose skill build was 0 2 4 1. Priceless.

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