General Discussion

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Supports in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    when you see a fucking tinker on the other team buy a pair sentries and block the ancients and the big camp beside the lane for fuck sakes.

    that is all


      but they are buying the courier and observers to give vision of both rune spots
      sentries are for dewarding war

      smoke they use when the enemy is 200 range from them, new meta


        but seriously a few months ago i played with a guy that thought smoke was mirana ult, he would use it whenever we were close to the enemies, and then 'omg they have sentries everywhere'


          I prefer to gank the shit out of Tinkers.

          Jay Ashborne


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              King of Low Prio

                ganking tinker does jack shit when hes got 50 stacks in the fucking jungle coming from 0-5 to 31232-5


                  Indeed. A 0-3 Tinker who has a 4 stack ancients + 3 stacked jungle is still going to get that 9~11 min BoT.