General Discussion

General DiscussionI do not understand the way some pubs play.

I do not understand the way some pubs play. in General Discussion

    You know, returning to base or going to farm instead of pushing when you just teamwiped the opponent? Having a successful gank and then backing instead of doing anything productive? Overfarming, overextending, stupid items or whatever? That Tinker who refuses to defend? That Axe who jungles for 20 minutes straight?

    No like really, I don't get it. Are they intentionally doing it or just don't realize? How the hell do you watch pro games and high level games and not notice your own mistakes or utter stupidity...

    You're not that good at mechanics? Thats okay. I don't think theres anything wrong with getting 5 CS/min as carry instead of 7~. Missed a searing chains combo? Thats alright. I won't hate your guts.


    Just don't be autistic.

    King of Low Prio

      that X cs/min bullshit people started saying started this overfarming bullshit 60min games. The main problem is that people watch pro games and try and mimic that shit in pubs and it just fucks them up. Supports who think they can get away with brown boots 20mins into game.


        yeah people get so caught up in "i need eb+dagon5 by 30 minutes" and then proceed to ignore their whole team. The end result? These Tinkers often lose but because they snatch kills and ks before the games end, they look at their "12-6-3" score and think they got dragged down when they could have defended towers or helped team push. wtf seriously, I've never seen pub tinkers attempt to deathball with him when its so strong

        ICE SKULL

          well ever since im on a 20 winstreak or something, valve decided to extend my search range to additional 2 minutes and put me with stacks and people who *random* a lot

          everyone is pretty much garbage at this mmr and it looks like it'll be a long ride to nail 6k on a secondary account again.

          ICE SKULL

            wow i just realized im playing against fpz _again_ and mirana in my team is apparently his friend (lvl 4 mirana at 9 minutes and stole my items from the courier)

            well i think im done with dota and just gonna boost 4k accs so i can play mgs5 when its out, these fucking russians wont even get banned from matchmaking


              he is not my friend you are just lucky
              potm and sven was muted from start

              ICE SKULL

                the first time i played with you in solo queue, you play utter trash like a disgusting 3k mmr player (doom'ing lycan in his wolf form, buying lothar after 30 minutes etc) and when you're AGAINST ME it's just a coincidence i have players masspinging me from minute 1 and stealing my items

                yeah definitely a coincidence
                say hello to fucker


                  ROFL AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA