General Discussion

General DiscussionBought time

Bought time in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    badassdwg69 lol

    Also i think that 25 years is kind of too much.

    King of Low Prio

      they need to start locking up these nerds who think they can get away with shit on the internet, I use to get DDos'd when I played WoW because some little fgt did not like losing a fucking game.

      King of Low Prio

        25 to life seems fair, I would have executed them but hey one step at a time

        King of Low Prio

          btw the article is fake :P

          King of Low Prio

            Well Fay beat me to it lol

            King of Low Prio

              Fay, you must be fun at parties

              Quick maffs

                What ? is fake ? ..... ¬¬






                      I was going to say domestic terrorism sounds over the top, that's more like reckless endangerment.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                        Sampson ✔about 9 hours ago
                        25 to life seems fair, I would have executed them but hey one step at a time|
                        what the fuck is wrong with you?

                        King of Low Prio

                          ^ rofl you realize this thread and article is a joke right?