General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandons in RMM

Abandons in RMM in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    WD leaves because he has 'things to do', so the other 2 players disconnect as well, which leaves me and Axe. Why should I lose MMR just because we can't play 2v5? While we do gain extra passive gold, keep in mind that the enemy has 2.5x more abilities to use and can farm the entire map uncontested. Axe and I also can only defend 2 lanes maximum. We can't outfarm them, nor can we beat them in teamfights.

    I know it's very hard to make a system that both works and is non-exploitable, but I'd rather not have games that are impossible to win. (edit): and then punished for losing.

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      why do i have to lose -25 because this cunt qop comes mid after i pick ta feed fb and then abandon?

      because life is hard. write a book about it

      King of Low Prio

        you have a higher chance of having a abandon on the other team than having him on your team (if you dont abandon)

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            Life is a bitch in real life, expect the same in game.



              Zeus declares he will feed, even before the draft. First you think a stupid joke, but no he did it.
              Reason, noone knows. Fair that 4 other ppl lost mmr? No.
              But this is dota and shit like that happens.