General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Manta so popular on certain heroes?

Why is Manta so popular on certain heroes? in General Discussion

    Manta is one of the most popular choices for hard carries, but I don't understand the value of it for heroes like TA, Sniper, or SF.

    Seems like none of these heroes has an ability or core item that works well with illusions, except maybe Take Aim. I see a lot of high-skilled players getting Manta before BKB, before crit, etc..

    Their base damage isn't incredibly high, and most people don't build +agi items on them to increase it.

    Seems like if you want to dodge debuffs, BKB does more in a teamfight. If you want split-push/mobility, you can buy Blink/rush BoTs.
    And there are better damage items for each hero. Seems like Manta is just a weaker version of these, and I don't see why it's important.

    What is the main reason that you get Manta on these heroes?


      that depends on the enemy team, if they have shit you can dodge with manta activation thats why they get it
      i dont see many TAs picking manta, the most usual thing is desolator -> daedalus -> whatever you want to

      also you need to have in mind that manta is one of the available upgrades of Yasha, which is very often picked mid game to give some ms and good stats for agi heroes. later they upgrade it to SnY or Manta depending on how the game goes

      while BoTs is great for splitpushing it doesnt give any aditional stats, only ms, which is risky in mid game because you spent 2450 gold on a core hero (the ones you mentioned) that will not do anything that a tp scroll wouldnt (in the specific heroes you said)


        i think u mentioned why its so good
        Good stats
        Attack speed
        movement speed bonuses
        remove negative buffs
        invulnerable ( can dodge shit )
        Bonus dmg output
        Pushing power
        can confuse enemy and bait skills (Doom)

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          Manta is usually an offensive version of BKB, used to get rid of certain silences/disables, while functioning as a poor man's linken against single target ultimates like Duel, Doom or Lasso.

          It's for when you don't want to waste a slot committing to BKB usually

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            People have trouble starting 2 or even 3 items at the same time.
            like going yasha cristalis then linken and then finish manta, finish daedalus (for example)

            Do you see a lot of people doing so ? If you pay attention to it, you will notice that nope, and that's one of the best way to build those 3 bigs items
            (you can change cristalis by maelestrom and daedalus for mjolnir if you want some popular build on potm)

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              I like the silence debuff against silencer and other debuffs, or having the chance for sniper ult or spirit breaker charge and other crap to miss you and hit your illusion.

              Push power as well. as your dmg goes up you can clear lanes fast or hit heros harder.