General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should've I done to make this game better?

What should've I done to make this game better? in General Discussion

    Like seriously. I go orchid BH so I can stop NP easy and prevent push. Buy MKB to hit the "carry" wind. Then I was building Vlads, cause you know life steal and shit on a 300 damage BH is pretty good.



      Ha, ha wave. But no, I'm actually looking for advice.


        the times you died, you got chain stunned.
        there is a bar for black kings in this game, try to use it.


          I'm no pro but I think pushing is the best strat.

          I checked wikipedia, google and dotobuff guides and they all say that killing the enemy's Ancient wins you the game.

          [Their GPM and XPM was all higher than your team's XPM and GPM I assume your team as a whole were roaming a lot, maybe failed most of them] Killing the same person over and over again doesn't mean you are disrupting the carries on the other team. I can't give that much tips tbh. [This forum is filled with 4k+ elitists that will probably flame me for helping someone out because I'm not 6k :V]


            Bar for Black Kings, I like that.

            ICE SKULL

              you're too fucking stupid to stop furion from tping so you waste 4k gold for an item you probably never used
              you're too fucking stupid to buy bkb and went for mkb for no reason

              i don't even want to comment about the lifesteal


                I hope I can give you a little insight - some of what I wrote may be misinformation on my part since I interpreted the events of the game on numbers and not what I saw (And because I'm still relatively new and know shit all about the game compared to most people I know).

                To be honest it doesn't look like much could have been done. Their team had 10 more assists then yours taking into consideration that your own had more kills then them - I guess this indicates their team worked more as a 'team' then yours. But you look at their tower damage, last hits, denies; and it's obvious they were playing the better game overall.

                Your team put down 947 damage to buildings and they packed a whopping 12.3 K which is substantial considering their morphling and windranger dealt a lot more of it then their Nature's Prophet. I think this game was won mostly because they have good flexibility with how they can spread their team (And how they can spread yours out). They can make you anticipate certain towers being attacked and have you focus most of your team on every lane, or the wrong lane (Which is what they may have done using the Nature's Prophet)

                In this instance I don't think you could have carried your team as a BH. The other team seemed much more efficient with their last hits and their team play as seen by the discrepancy of their assists in comparison to your team's kills. I think this shows that your team was lacking in motivation to play together or that they are just shit in general. (Maybe all they did was farm, cough cough LC, rather then gank or play the map. Maybe your only tank, Tidehunter, was too ballsdeep or his ults were off - maybe the puck kept getting destroyed by all their mobility and consistent damage.)

                I think their team comp was a lot more superior, which I'll explain if you want (Too bad you're gonna get it explained anyway).

                AA only had situational synergy with your team, and he is somewhat dependent on your team in order to be succesful. But you also have to look at your team draft and it's ability to position itself. The only one with innate positioning was puck, however the enemy's WHOLE team has excellent abilities that allow them and their team to move around, dodge, escape and play out of your team's CC ults like Dream Coil and Ravage.

                As a bounty hunter you can do very little when their whole team is working together as a clustered group with sentries and dust (As I see)
                I think you should have ganked early with the LC - and achieved her farm that way. But that would have been very hard to do if they were working together a lot. If you gank with hero duos such as an LC and BH you essentialy form a wedge in the oppositions ability to organise their team and dictate the nature of the game. This meta, and I assure you the whole game in general, is about being able to dictate how, when and where the enemy will go - and gankers like BH do that pretty well - but not against their team or the way they played.

                This is the nature of Dota 2, you have one team versus another and if one plays as a "Team" better then the other - then they win. They won regardless of what you could do since your hero would have had very minimal impact on how they operated to achieve success. Even if you kept killing their NP, you have four others to deal with - all of whom are very efficient pushers, damage dealers and tanks.

                If you're absent from a team fight while trying to kill NP, then your team has lost it's biggest DPS output - NP doesn't offer much in a team fight since he went Necronomicon and so the trade off in a team encounter of NP and yourself definitely goes into the favour of the radiant. Once you're gone, their squishy casters like Vengeful and WR can cast away and debiltate your mates - while Centaur and Morphling can frontline as primary positions. Centaur is always a problem as a tank, because he and heroes like bristleback are characters that need to be dealt with but are just as painful to kill.



                  Thx Stanton that was very helpful. :)

                  And @ Wave.

                  If you want me to use my brain so much, here's a thought for you. Earlier you said you have a 6k account to prove that you're good.

                  Then why you have 77 loses on your smurf? Why do you have a smurf if you have a 6k account? What's the point just doing "FUCKING FUCK FUCK" all over a person who wants help? Why the hell should I take advice from you then, if half of your vocabulary is just the word "fuck"? I know of the BKB probelm, but either way, wind's damage output was too damn high. It would've help sure, still would've left the giant sentry problem and wind crit problem.

                  I've played as orchid BH before. I started doing it because I had a really good NP that in the early stages of the game, got force staff orchid and prevented me from killing him durning pushes.

                  If you want people to belive of your "Magcial 6k account." Start proving that you can in words before you start swearing. Otherwise, you just make yourself look like an angry person.

                  ICE SKULL

                    the logic of somebody stuck in 3k mmr after 2k games

                    ICE SKULL

                      if you can't figure out why i'm playing on an alternative account late at night in EU then i'm sorry for everything your parents went through trying to raise you


                        Drama = Delivered

                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                          If you have insult a person to make a point, I'm sorry for your own intellegence.

                          Also, I know I'm in 3K and I'm stuck there for a reason. I need to get better, so I play games to get better. If I climb up, I climb up. If I fall, I fall. I want to get better at the game, not take some lazy shortcut to make myself feel better for taking a shortcut. That's why I feel like an alt account is stupid.

                          Btw, nice dodge of the statement.


                            #BanWave [And all his other accounts]


                              I've not read the other comments, but you build in a way to kill heroes when they're alone farming.

                              You don't really contribute much with these items in a teamfight (something you really need to think about with this push/team oriented meta), You should've looked to:

                              Forcestaff, Drums, Bkb, Medallion
                              those kinds of items.

                              BHs job is usually to give deep vision for team, aswell as boost movespeed and give vision in teamfight for chasing, etc.
                              Pull out a shuriken from nowhere (stop channeling abilities/nuke) and apply a slow with Jinada on a fleeing hero.

                              Not to carry the game with an MKb while having no survivability.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              King of Low Prio

                                you needed drums and a bkb that game, there are only a few heroes I go orchid on (storm,puck qop etc). Deso is much better for you than MkB because it helps with jinada more and it also helps kill towers later. BH is not a carry, playing him like one will most of the time lead to failure.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!