General Discussion

General DiscussionCS in my latest game

CS in my latest game in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Every time there's a cs thread 5/min gets thrown around as a bare minimum you should be getting and 6-7 as a legit carry and 8-9 as a super farmer like AM, TB, Tinker. My last game was pretty one sided and I ended up with 670 gpm on sniper but only 5.3 cs/min.

    My question is, if anyone wouldn't mind watching the replay, was my farming good, decent, poor or terrible? I did watch the review once. I think I did decent but I also question how anyone in this game would've done better than 6/min given how it went. 22 min wins don't usually leave a lot of time for big farming.

    My analysis:

    Uncontested mid for the most part, I should've hit a few more. At 10 mins I was slightly over 5 cs/min pace but I counted about 9 last hits I missed in lane. A couple were under tower and difficult but I messed them up pretty bad (tower got pushed by pugna mid, even though lane was uncontested he would spam his nuke sometimes and push it up). A couple I missed outright and a couple were missed while I was trying to harass or deny and just didn't click fast enough. So I probably should've had 65 cs by 10 instead of the 55 I recall having (only watched replay once so that's off the top of my head).

    Around 7 mins pugna went top and I followed for a kill. So lost some lane farm there but worth it. Around 10 mins I noticed pugna roaming towards mid from bottom at super low hp but I don't have enough mana for ult. I reacted too late getting there, missed the kill and a whole creep wave while I chased him. Bad move. Either needed to stay lane or react sooner.

    Other than that the other times I didn't get much farm in lane were cus I'd get low hp have to tp home (no one had mek) and walk back. I could've rotated through jungle more and gotten my score higher but chose to push t3s with team. So a lot of walking but lanes were so pushed, nothing to farm conveniently.

    So my three questions:
    1. In a shorter or lopsided game does the 6-7 cs/min benchmark not apply?
    2. Did I walk around too much given the circumstances?
    3. How could I have eeked out more farm?

    King of Low Prio

      it is really easy to boost your GPM in short matches by getting last hits on buildings


        I just looked through the match stats and ur hero damage is really low as a carry even though this game was a complete stomp according to the xp graph

        you will prob farm faster if u buy phase boots

        King of Low Prio

          I fed alot of early kills and didnt get much CS but I got building kills so I got a gpm boost and the match was short

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          Dire Wolf

            I don't think my hero dmg is low at all. If you watch the game the rest of my team was constantly fighting, usually 4 man deathballing while I pushed lanes and towers. I've got tons of tower dmg for a 22 min game. If hero dmg comes in the flow of a match then great, but this game there weren't a lot of big team fights for me.

            Because of all the running around I did, yes, phase probably would've been better. I often go phase on sniper but since we were winning pretty well early (invoker started like 3-0 before I bought boots) treads gives much more dps late game and I wanted those.

            I need to watch the review to see if I last hit any towers. I think I did quite a few. That is something I need to work on though.

            Rust in Peace

              Stats in absolute shitstomps don't mean anything.


                if you are uncontested you should aim for atleast 6 cs/minute, in 10 minutes of complete free farm you should have atleast 60, 70 is the goal but sometimes that is not possible because you usually get contested in the first 3 or 4 waves

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                  ICE SKULL

                    10 minutes aim for 50-70 cs

                    20 minutes aim for 150-200 cs


                      ^^ finally good comment


                        Go to play offline game without bots, as long as you can get 60~70cs/10min pure lane creep, I think you shouldn't worry about lh skill.

                        This game I get 100cs in 13min.
                        I rarely get that much cs, since it's a one-sided game at start, so I just farm all the time.

                        Your lasthit skill is ok, what you need is understanding the game.
                        You don't really win dota by having ultra high cs..
                        I can get 200cs+ with Luna under 20min and still lose the game, so.

                        Also in your game, its like a free farm lane, many normal bracket players don't know how to farm well when they are trying to farm against opponent.
                        I have a friend that can get 50cs/10min free farm, when he is farming against a hero or two, he might get like 10cs/10min..

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