General Discussion

General Discussionmay consider usng meepo to raise mmr

may consider usng meepo to raise mmr in General Discussion

    The past 3 meepo games ive played i have done amazingly well. is this a good way to raise mmr, if the enemy team has no counters to him?


      Uh huh. I thought so too. Till I get counter picked out the ass.

      Couter pick meepo is best meepo.


        InkDota is 6k by almost only playing meepo


          Why do you buy heart................


            5 k hp per meepo
            nuff said


              plus i never pick meepo if they have a counter too him


                You should get Skadi and where is your blink?
                Blink is awesome on Meepo with that blink poof trick. Allows you to easily pick off anyone out of position.

                I don't play ranked, but Meepo rocks even at high skill.


                  i thought that 100% slow was great as it is and those games i didnt buy blink as our team had initiation


                    The skadi adds an attack slow, 25 attack speed, 25 damage. Makes Meepo put out allot more damage. The stats are very good, I don't like ac on Meepo, feel it is that good on him. Leave that for one of your team mates.

                    You don't always need to stack Hearts, I find usually a skadi is enough. if you really need the hp get a heart then, early game it is better to stack reavers.

                    Also Blink is always epic, not only for initiating on a team fight, but for ganking and chasing and just general mobility. I get it after aghs every game. Then I smoke up and go kill who ever is in the jungle :P


                      thanks for the tips, ill give it a go :)


                        Skadi is stupid. Heart is stupid. They're not cost efficient.

                        Do the math. EB or Reaver (heart is dumb) gives you more stats/gold spent. You only get heart when you have no slots left and by then you should be saving for buybacks. You want a disable? Get Guinsoo. You don't need an attack slow (seriously wtf) and you ALREADY have a stacking slow which reaches over 90%.

                        You want both damage AND health at the same time? ALSO STUPID. A vast majority of Meepos damage come from his passive and his poof. You would dish out more damage simply by being alive hence Reaver is much more cheaper. All the additional benefits of Skadi and Heart are wasted since only the main meepo get them. You want items with raw stats.

                        Its just logic. Skadi works and it isn't horrible but its shitty compared to the rest and noone can prove otherwise. Guinsoo, EB or Reaver (Reavers are more cost efficient)

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                          how do you even win without blink...


                            Simple Light, very very carefully. The full meepo fart is better without the blink. Usually, I tend to end the game in under 30 mins or less so they don't get bkb's and fristy


                              thanks again for the help, but next time think twice about how you word things, just try to make the dota community a nicer place.

                              i'm not gay but $10 is $10

                                Ez as fuck, I did many times 30+ kills and a few times 40+ and about 10 rampages above.
                                Best choice is the mid lane (especially against sf/pudge) fast tranquilidad bootas and blink dagger, after them aghanim and look at the situation on this game, if it feels hard to play - so your choice skythe of vise, if regular - skadi x2, if it's easy - heart+etherial. with heart you can dive under fountain and kill enemies there:)
                                Btw skadi x2=+50agi., +50int., +50str. and heart+etherial=+50str., +40agi., +10int.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  Since you are 2k trash i'll tell u this:
                                  don't spam meepo, spam zeus or lycan.

                                  road to 3k ez.

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                                    Ples Mercy

                                      takes longer though.


                                        rofl how is skadi stupid.
                                        meepo getting 6 slotted is common so you wont want an item as dead endish as reaver instead of skadi.

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                                            i ruined my acc cuz i though i was a good mepo player went from 4.9 k mrr to 4.7 in a couple of days, please dont, stick to the heroes that are good in this meta and you feel confy with them, exmp mine are Kunkka, TA 4 mid and wind and weaver for offlane
                                            you seem like a good weaver ns and timbersaw player stick with them


                                              i used to try and raise with meepo like you, but then i took a lich es ember line up to the knee


                                                Yeah same thing ES and bloodseeker to the knee


                                                  My simple question just became a build on meepo


                                                    i would never pick meepo if the enemy has a counter to him, that's just stupid, even if it looks like i am not experienced with micro, i am 13 2 with visage.


                                                      bro micro isnt everything wtih meepo, Meepo is only good if you have a decent team that understands how meepo works, if you have a good stack play meepo,.


                                                        Micro is like 10% of meepo


                                                          I disagree that you need a "good stack" to play meepo, he is one of those heroes that can almost win the game by himself.

                                                          PA bought a MoM so Zeus could kill her faster, Life jungled for 25 min strait, silencer was never in any fights. Only Mirana was any good.

                                                          Micro is important, but being good at Micro wont win you games.


                                                            same thing as geomancy, lets look at this game
                                                            I had:
                                                            A 3 14 void who was 0 9 in the first 10 min,
                                                            My 2 9 sand king(he gave me a stun so thats good).
                                                            6 12 drow sat in mid lane for the first 15 min,
                                                            my mexican friend venge who had 700 ping...
                                                            Team analysis: gave me a silence and 2 stuns. In this mmr I have to carry myself as the team has no cooperation, luckily the enemy team does not have any either


                                                              really fancy really? Last 2 meepos game that I randome, Meepo go HARDLANE I ALLREADY CALLED SAFELANE DIPSHIT REPICK,
                                                              end up loosing with morling safe lane badly vs bounty(HE WAS SERBIAN)
                                                              I manage to get a late scepter and dagger 22 minutes in, I tell my team please buy vladimirs and dont take fights
                                                              imbeciles RUN INTO ENEMY LIKE A TRAIN WITH NO BRAKES and say GG RETARD MEEPO PUSI KURAC JEBENI TARD NECE DA TEPA.
                                                              Soooo no I only play meepo now when im in 5man or 4 man


                                                                i manage to win games by myself pretty much as meepo, I am in the worst of the worst, all the players I meet, I have to assume they are retarded as thats why we are here, worst of the worst, because i have done some pretty dumb shit myself.
                                                                FYI: Randoming is bad unless you have played each hero a few times

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                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    99% of every meepo picker is using that all poof script and shit

                                                                    if valve took it away from them, they'd drop mmr faster than es/tb/phoenix abuserse after patch


                                                                      what makes you think I use that?

                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                        why earthshaker mid

                                                                        just bcuz ur 3k mmr and can smurf for infinity up to 4.7kish it doesnt mean u can do this shit in real games

                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          LMAo every meepo player got that script


                                                                            thanks for your opinion, but i'd appreciate some proof about how those heroes are better than meepo in most cases (not counting if meepo is countered, as this is what i said in my opening post).

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                                                                              Pick whatever works for you.

                                                                              Wether if it's Meepo or Mirana.


                                                                                The only reason I play Meepo is because he is my favorite, not because I hope to get easy wins.


                                                                                  Get drums right after aghanims and blink, then get your big items like EB/Guinsoo/Heart, trust me nikka, dat aura charges, stats, ms speed, for that price is invaluable.
                                                                                  TRUST try it brah for that early-midgame boost


                                                                                    I was playing meepo on dota 1 and now recently started playing it on dota 2. Really good and fun hero to play also it improves your skill a lot. Its kind of a mind practice for me too actually looking at meepos remembering which one is f2 on keybinds for example or which one is taking damage, save it while attacking with all. If you are good with meepo you can definetly use him to raise your mmr but be sure to avoid lich, lc, eartshaker and following. They are really annoying for you and for your team mates on fights.


                                                                                      you really need to stop buying heart. and wtf AC? lol.