General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff links for high rated am/morphling players ( 5.5k+)

dotabuff links for high rated am/morphling players ( 5.5k+) in General Discussion

    could anyone provide them? preferably not SEA cos replays from that server doesnt work.

    already have beesa + black


      uhm thanks though dotabuff top50 wasnt really what i was looking for :/




          vroksnak all ur replays are outdated unfortunately t.t


            OP, im interested if you share which am player you feel like you learned sth from


              beesa and black


                ty man

                ICE SKULL

                  beesa is a shitter.

                  what you want to do is follow or look at that danish guy who picked morph only to 6k+, i dont remember his name but he rushed aquila ring > boots of travel > eblade > skadi/bfly etc and ignored linkens completely because he thought it was a shitty item since any decent doom or whatever can trigger linkens with ease


                    wave what's the mmr of that guy you just linked? and how do you even win a game with morph lol every time i pick him my team just feeds in all their lanes ._.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Burning, Sylar, the carry of any team that attented TI2.

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                      ICE SKULL

                        i think jussis friend is 6k+ both solo and party mmr.
                        i would never pick morph tbh, i only pick early game / mid game heroes

                        ICE SKULL

                          also that danish guy made a video of this but he isnt 6k anymore i think :d


                            ^ do you have link of the vid wave.
                            or any idea whats it called

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                            Low Expectations

                              The guy Wave is talking about is Slasher

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                oh my god hes voice is unbearable sounds like hes talking with his mouth full of cum
                                uhm thanks for the link though

                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                ICE SKULL

                                  ah yeah its slasher lol was gonna find the link after my match, and yeah thats how danish ppl talk like LMAO potatoes in their mouth

                                  Low Expectations

                                    ^How is that ever a bad thing? also thats how all germans speak english at least from my expirience


                                      envy is a pretty good am

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        no there is a saying here where i live, every dane speaks with potatoes in their mouth and they do lmao

                                        german accent is different lol... tbh the most normal accent in europe


                                          flender is right lol, specially germans (knowing german myself) are so easy to spot by hearing them speak english