General Discussion

General DiscussionLegitimacy of Rage.

Legitimacy of Rage. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Please give me good examples of rage worthy moments, vids are nice too.


      Rage by Me
      Feeding Tusk and a Doom who never doomed the WD who kept raping us
      A Medusa who never put any points too split shot AND an AFK jungling Life Stealer

      Rage by Others:

      Slark hate

      Hate from Natures:

      You cant Rat against a geomancer with a blink digger

      King of Low Prio

        when the supports dont give me tangos


          when mid asks for tango
          when supports dont get sentry/dust against bh/clinkz offlane or smth like that
          when supports waste gold on warding
          when mid has zero map awareness (everyone rly)
          when offlaner asks for ganks when he's suppoesd to be ganking cause HE'S the offlaner and the one tht should disrupt the flow
          when they complain about freefarm enemy carry or mid or offlane when they only have treads... stupid noobs idc if he can 1v1 you that means nothing cunt just switch lanes and be useful
          when you ping to go and they dont cause they are stupid! when they rather havve the core die because i dont wanna die (for a core or several kills)
          when mid or offlane bottlecrow (its a fucking pub deal with it cunt or pick smth else motherfucker)
          when upports pull and make you farm tanking creeps at tower
          when you're left 1v1 against offlaner cause noob supports then they complain about farm or deaths
          when supports just stay in safelane and do noting causing you to be 1v1 against offlane but with a considerable lower level
          when they dont get sentries knowing some invis motherfucer will be there soon or is already there to nuke/kill
          not getting iittems from courier at tier 2 and complaining about ccourier snipe against bh/ufurion or some enemy camping jungler
          not dewarding mid cliff ward early game (super ez mid laning for opponent and ez ganks for them)
          not buying smokes either early mid or late game (DIE NOOBS)
          not buying tps and complaining when you die 1v3 between tier 3 and 2
          complaining about no tps and just keep going and feeding when he couldve backed
          feeding teamfights when you can just farm, make them waste spells and take the fight later
          fighting at enemy tower underpowered(3v5, etc) and expeting backup
          defending tower 1v5 or similar (FUCK YOU RETARD)
          telling me to get specific items when the cunt is 0-10 and still hasnt supported(as helped/rly playing dota fucktardd) either in a fight or laning phase
          not stacking when doing nothing
          stacking against some fucker that can just go and steal it (bat etc) and sharing exp
          asking for mid to gank when he has a farming hero
          no courier and no fast courier upgrade
          pick first mark lane on picking phase and still get a cunt picking lasst and going to that lane (i make sure those fuckers loes unless they play it dual to win 90% case is a no)
          being russian and using mic and talk shit when you dont know shit about how the game is played (instamute)
          warding the same dewarded spot (kill yourself)

          those are just the basic ones and the ones i came up on the spot... mby ill edit later

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Idleness is my tick. Usually this happens when playing with people of lower skill, they are clueless and have no objective and just wander around getting picked off and I can see the end fast approaching cause the team have their shit together.

            Games where I felt justified being upset with my team

   < Dual laning feeders who for some odd reason blamed the team
   < QoP and Void were unbelievably bad
   < I did so much work only to have it thrown by team members being alone

            Again, not usually one to get cross with people but I absolutely hate bad positioning, lack of cleverness about when to fight, and idle roaming around accomplishing nothing.

            Hex Sigma

              ^ when this happens to me(i have no clue, or the game goes stale) i prefer to farm just so that i do something.


                I rage every match for whatever reason (e.g. supporting a FV with a quellingblade who misses most last hits), but I keep it to myself most of the time.
                What makes me rage the most is that people in my potato bracket thinks that the game is called "Kill the heroes and go back to fountain - repeat until creeps end the game". Seriously, people in my bracket hate to push even if it's safe.
                Oh, you killed the three cores from the enemy team near their t2 and their supports are at half hp? Lets go back to jungle/base instead of taking tower for free.
                You teamwiped the enemy team with 1+ min respawn timer, near their t2 but all of you ended up with 200 hp? Let's back off to heal instead of taking the tower for free and/or forcing buybacks. You know, those dead enemies can kill you so you gotta heal.
                Your top tower is getting 5 man pushed and there's nothing you nor your team can do about it? Lets keep the creep equilibrium in mid and bot lane instead of putting pressure on both lanes and maybe trade one tower for two.
                You and a teammate are pushing a tower and you see just ONE tp from an enemy support just when the tower goes into deny range? Let's back off and let the t2 get denied, the solo CM can kill both of us even when we're at full health.
                This shit drives me nuts.


                  ^ haha, this and so much more :DD


                    such rage
                    I rage way more in singleplayer games


                      Idleness in important moments,


                        I see why everyone thinks Benao is toxic in-game.


                          I like to check Benao's profile every few days too see what new gems of rage his team mates have written :P


                            team wipe and they go rosh.

                            the realm's delight

                              enemy picks doom or void

                              Dwight Twilley

                                Smurfs and posts by petty people.

                                Sloth Romeo{{WaR}}

                                  Any game in which my lane partner and I shut down a common pubstomp hero that is easily countered, only for that hero to rage into another lane and get fed by people who can't into being careful. This always happens when I play solo ranked and the other team has a riki or a bloodseeker. I will tp to the lane that hero is in because I know how to handle them, but once he gets zoned out over and over or killed he will just go somewhere else and get kills. It always works. And by that I mean it always results in that hero snowballing out of control. He just never fights the heroes who shut him down until he is very fat.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    "I see why everyone thinks Benao is toxic in-game."

                                    As a noob, I do like the list he presented above. Some good things on it for me to understand better and learn more about.



                                      PA gets 16 LH in 10 minutes with Abaddon offlane (playing safe), NAIX jungle 9 min Midas, Windrunner died few time in early game but still gets more LH than PA. MID OFC EZ WIN against sniper that didnt even try to LH, shadow shaman did alright in early game but throw late game.

                                      I mean WTF was that, this was meant to be be my new record streak (9) but my friends FUCKING DICKS had to fucking feed/not try. I got so annoyed it's unreal...


                                        I just should have went Tinker mid it was so ez...


                                          when i read dotabuff

                                          razzle dazzle

                                            Sampson are you stupid?

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              depends on what you classify as stupid, I am pretty stupid compared to Stephen Hawking but compared to you I am a genius :)


                                                when the people ask for mid gank and im owning in mid
                                                when the people dont push a shit
                                                when the people give up too early
                                                when the ppl steal my objects
                                                when the ppl is stupid
                                                when the ppl dont use mekansm (it's so usual)
                                                when the ppl think he is dendi cause they are 4-1-x
                                                when the ppl use a brainless ulti
                                                when the enemys kill me (it's so usual too)
                                                when we have 0 wards
                                                when we pick 5 carrys
                                                when the suport didnt buy dust or sentry aganist mirana or riki
                                                when the ppl say fuck we lost they get sniper
                                                when the ppl say with a FUCKING TIMBERSAW IN OFFLANE AGANIS OFFLANE SNIPER I CANT WITH SNIPER HE IS SO OP
                                                when the ppl eiwfohqflkdnàihfdùhq`fiunakjn
                                                when i feed
                                                when i die alone on roshan
                                                when i qeoirjfoijdoijqef
                                                when i get mad
                                                when the ppl rage me CAUSE I PICK WINDRANGER MID
                                                when the ppl rage me CAUSE I PICK SANDKING MID
                                                when the ppl rage me CAUSE I PICK EARTHSHACKER MID
                                                when the ppl rage me CAUSE I PICK MID

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                                                  when the ppl dont love my new proffile pic

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                                                  Kamado Kun

                                                    i wanna take this opportunity and ask: is not calling miss worthy of rage? cuz when i die i know i could have looked the map so i dont blame my team but every one else in my mmr always blame the guy who didnt say miss

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      dumb kids who dont communicate should be burned at the stake


                                                        not calling miss doesnt matter cause you're supposed to know whats happening on the other lanes at all times!
                                                        flame should be directed towards the noob whining over a death and blaming it on a miss call

                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                          ^generally correct.

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            "when the people ask for mid gank and im owning in mid"

                                                            Im not sure if thats a legitimate rage tho..


                                                              yeah if you die and say "thx for no ss" just kill yourself plz

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