General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all those complaining about Coaching

To all those complaining about Coaching in General Discussion

    when stacking with far better players!!!!!
    srsly i dont stack anymore

    edit: even ended up deleting my whole clan after we lost a tournament

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      This is exactly what I tried to explain to someone last night, it can be small but the things that seperate the brackets are small things that on their own don't matter but repeated over the course of the game can effect the out come. I suffer a lot where I go into fights then call to go back, go back in etc. whereas the concept of weaving in and out of team fights doesn't really occur to players of lower skill, it's all or nothing to them.

      Coined quite nicely here...

      Two main skills.
      The first big difference is knowing a good situation from a bad situation. Iceiceice used to talk about how he can't really coach up his pub team, there's too much stuff you just need to know. He explained it during a small fight in the top lane, he was like "Ok lets go, okay back, okay go, okay back, okay go, okay back". The situation was constantly going from "we can fight this" to "we can't fight this". It was due to people joining the fight, ults being used, ults not yet used, health of his team, health of the other team, etc.. When you watch a pro player, you usually see him take fights that look bad to you and you see him back when it didn't look that dangerous.

      The second is knowing if you can win a fight. I see lots of people take 1 on 1 fights they can't win. They either die or are forced to run away almost dead. Knowing what items the person has, skills, how their items/skills work against you, fairly big difference between 3k and 4k. Even just what level someone is. You watch 3k mmr play they are rarely keeping tabs on the enemies levels. At 4k you see them checking a lot more. Same with inventories, what they are building effects what you might or might not build. Rarely a 3k player will keep up on that or alter their build because of it. You see it more at the 4k+ mmr.


        I stopped playing with a whole bunch of people that I friended when I was allot worse at Dota, but when I started to get better and better I started noticing the really stupid stuff they did.


          i play with people 1k mmr lower and i lose all my games :DDDDDDDDDDDDD