General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion Command OP

Legion Command OP in General Discussion

    Just look at this video, no stomp or anything both teams even.


      That LC was farmed as fuck. 200 CS in 24 mins and 5/0/4. Add in a little RNGesus and that's the result.

      Hatsune Miku

        desolator + AC vs Vangaurd.... lmao


          too much ez katka.


            too much ez katka.


              i posted it 2 times so you guys would get the idea.


                WD ult made her proc lifesteal a lot of times IMO. Also WD didn't cast maledict earlier. And axe ulted her too early. Also doom sucks.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  This is pre-nerf where if she had enough attack speed she would be able to hit more than 1 time during the duration of her passive.

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                    Agree with Sam, she is still really strong but much like Axe, you can no longer take risks as the you don't get more than one attack when your passive procs. Still she is strong but she has to be played right.

                    Hatsune plays a lot of her you should get some tips from him :)


                      Remove legion from dotA pls


                        If I moved to Australia I would probably be the highest MMR there.


                          ^U wot m8 hving a ggl thr m8

                          Good luck communicating, you don't even speak their language.



                            how LC passive proc?

                            Hatsune Miku

                              ^ just like axe but it gives you a small amount of time to strike again so your next hit heals you


                                Nope, when it procs, if you are already right clicking someone it will do one extra hit with lifesteal.
                                If you are not right clicking, your next attack (normal one) will lifesteal if you hit something under the spell's duration.

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                                Hatsune Miku

                                  ^thats what i mean... i just forgot the word duration lol... instead i put in small amount of time