General Discussion

General Discussionupdate

update in General Discussion

    Idk if it's just me but rather than saying how long ago a game was it now just says the Date of it, not a big fan.


      I'm getting this as well

      Ples Mercy

        looks gay, pls revert


          I'm guessing it's an update then, I preferred the old way by saying how long ago the game was a lot more than this.

          the realm's delight

            yes pls revert


              Also what the fuck is the format,

              Year / Month / Day

              Ples Mercy



                  For the past few weeks the date stamp of the most recent 24hrs has been buggy. It would say 22hrs on a match 20min ago, for example.

                  Maybe this is just the format until the bug is worked out.


                    its actually super usefull


                      This should be fixed now, please let us know if you continue to see this bug anywhere.


                        P.S. - the relative timestamps (like "22 minutes ago") should now be properly translated into other languages (like "23 минуты назад", "23分钟之前" or "23분 전")


                          Sweet, thanks Jason

                          edit: I notice when you refresh the page it displays the Year/Month/Day for like a split second, a bit weird but fine.

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