General Discussion

General DiscussionTheorycraft: How to swap high mmr for low mmr accounts

Theorycraft: How to swap high mmr for low mmr accounts in General Discussion
paRamount 2

    tl;dr: I want swap 4k accounts for low mmr accounts. How to safely?

    A friend asked me to level his 3k account. I enjoyed it a heap more than my regular account (4.7). Can anyone think of a way that minimises risk on both parties to swap account. I know so little about steam. So some questions that might have to be answered:

    * Are people keen to give up their low account for a 4k account
    * Can you swap accounts safely
    * Can you quickly move all items to a different account
    * Any other problems you foresee?

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      Who wants to swap their "lowmmr acc" for a "4k highhighigh" acc?

      4k games are way worse than 3k or even 2k games. Because people seem to be less toxic.

      4k games aint enjoyable most of the time.

      Also, nobody on this forum likes so called account sellers/traders, so I hope you're just trying to be funny.

      paRamount 2

        Everything you say is very good information.

        "so I hope you're just trying to be funny." lol, you're silly. Offer so much useful information just to be silly at the end.

        Miku Plays

          Why not just create a new account? Play a bit silly to get low mmr

          Ples Mercy

            Steam account trading is not allowed.


            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              4k mmr games aren't enjoyable? why? they are more toxic than 3k mmr?


                * Are people keen to give up their low account for a 4k account
                * Can you swap accounts safely
                * Can you quickly move all items to a different account
                * Any other problems you foresee?

                1) yes cos its ez profit
                2) no cos its unregulated trading so its always open to scams. not to mention original account holder can submit a support ticket claiming hijacked account.
                3) trade offers i think.
                4) move items before trading? if not 15 days steam guard or something.

                paRamount 2

                  @Hatsune Miku
                  Even randoming playing non-tryhard puts me above 4k; I managed to change my other friends account from normal to very high in about 10 games. I think getting the mmr low, and then playing on it in ranked games is the slowest mmr gain (which is what I want for fun)

                  @Team = 2k smurf trash
                  Didn't know that.

                  @Just do it ✔
                  Nothing about toxicity; I just enjoy randoming and not trying at all. knowing I can come back from anything because the low mmr's make lots of mistakes. Majority of my plays are with friends anyway, so the whole toxic stuff isn't an issue.

                  Sexy, just the kind of info I wanted!! <3


                    'Nothing about toxicity; I just enjoy randoming and not trying at all. knowing I can come back from anything because the low mmr's make lots of mistakes. Majority of my plays are with friends anyway, so the whole toxic stuff isn't an issue.'

                    This is exactly the problem, your opponents will be trying and you'll beat them because you're better than them. You won't even try and you'll 'have fun' coz you get your win so you'll think you're doing well, but you've just crushed some guys who are playing their best in their respective bracket, do you think that's fair? this is the big problem with smurfs and doing this kind of thing, you're ruining other peoples games by being greedy and selfish. If you're not winning all the time in your current bracket, guess what? you belong there, stop trying to get out of it and unbalancing the system.

                    paRamount 2


                      Thanks for this; makes a lot of sense.


                        @OP, you like ez games, randoming and having fun? play in a stack with low skilled friends and don't try to trade accounts, lol.


                          Btw, I didn't mean for my message to come across as offensive haha, it's just the reality of messing around with accounts.


                            just go boost accounts since you like easy games and have 4.7k mmr

                            paRamount 2


                              I wasn't being sarcastic, I legit appreciate you explaining the culture. It's probably what @D2CG. Anonymous슬 wanted to say, but was too lazy to.


                              Which community would you ask this in?

                              edit: too -> to

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