General Discussion

General DiscussionEnough with the faceless bullshit

Enough with the faceless bullshit in General Discussion

    Okay now listen to me. I can just spam faceless void, and crush all games, and bump my mmr and enter the leaderboards.
    Proof (my void matches from last two weeks):

    That would be boring and lame and gay however.
    So to all idiots that pick that broken hero for free win...
    FUCK! YOU!

    Miku Plays

      Pick wd and sky .. So they cant do cheap combos

      the realm's delight

        petition for void and doom removal mpls


          Good luck convincing your team to pick both these heroes. And even then, there's Jakiro, AA, Lich, Ember, Venom, Sand King, Luna, Warlock, invoker...
          Everyone and their mother can combo with void.

          Hex Sigma

            idk why but i have a feeling that doom will be nerfed to hell in a few patches(morphling post ti2 anyone?)


              u have only played fv 8 times recently...try if u can get over 6k with it then?
              ppl who pick strong hero = 'idiots'
              ppl who pick weak hero = non-idiots
              i love your logic.


                No, smartass, people who ABUSE OP hero = idiots.
                I didn't even mention weak heroes. Where are you getting all this shit that's my logic according to you?


                  Okay now listen to me. I can just spam kunkka, and crush all games, and bump my mmr and enter the leaderboards.
                  Proof (my kunkka matches from last two weeks):

                  That would be boring and lame and gay however.
                  So to all idiots that pick that broken hero for free win...
                  FUCK! YOU!


                    I could do the same with Luna, proof, all my Luna matches


                    Now, let's get some normality back to this thread, yes Void is OP right now but he's not THAT broken. Shut him down early and pick heroes that can play well into the chrono from distance (Sky, WD, even ES for insta fissure n ting)


                      get silencer press R, get doom press R, get WD press R, get skymage press R. really easy to counter void.


                        ^ ilold xDDDD


                          could some1 enlighten me on why OP thinks 'people who ABUSE OP hero = idiots' (his exact quote on post #7)?

                          1stly i dont understand y constantly picking the same hero is call abuse? if i constantly donate to charity am i abusing the charity?

                          2ndly why is picking overpowered hero something that idiots (wiki definition: An idiot is an intellectually disabled person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way) do? idiots would pick random heroes or the worst heroes, not the hero with the best chance to win the game right?

                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                            there are a lot of skillless heroes like Sniper, WK, PA, Void, riki. No use complaining about people using them. Its an easy hero and they can basically just own people late and feel good about themselves. Its never going to stop, so just accept it and kill them early and often.

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                              Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                                I can spam mah medusa too, but it would be too boring
                                Same goes for my alchemist. Battlefury Midas shadow blade best alc build.
                                But both these farming heroes are boring.


                                  So basically everyone can enter the leaderboards,

                                  but coz it is boring and lame and gay and whatever nobody is using it

                                  y seems legit to me


                                    Okay now listen to me. I can just spam crystal maiden, and crush all games, and bump my mmr and enter the leaderboards.
                                    Proof (my cm matches from last 4 weeks):

                                    That would be boring and lame and gay however.
                                    So to all idiots that pick that broken hero for free win...
                                    FUCK! YOU!


                                      How about they replace Chronospheare and Doom with some new spells? These are 2 broken spells...

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                                        how about they take away denying, since stopping the enemies from getting gold is broken

                                        oh wait-




                                            I had this same fight whenever I picked phoenix. Telling me "He is OP should be removed from game."

                                            Till troll and slardar built bkb and said "Fuck you bird" and won the game.

                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                              PA, sniper and riki are low skill despite how much u want them not to be.

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                                                  This isn't an issue with void imho...

                                                  He is somewhat flavor of the month, but honestly if you are good with him, then play him.

                                                  For example, Giuri has a super high winrate with luna it appears. Maybe he only plays her stacks, but he is clearly very good with her. No reason not to play her more often and get higher mmr.


                                                    "Doom will be nerfed to hell" that pun.

                                                    ♛ peSte ♛

                                                      that's sad, I never win with Faceless Void :(


                                                        @BossNigga I am gonna watch all ur games. My Kunkka is so bad and your builds look so very...interesting (3 blink wtf?)


                                                          ROFL why op's void has an average gpm of 467. AND avg xpm = 542.
                                                          If you run a hardlane void, you might have low gpm, but xpm....

                                                          My 43% winrate Slark has higher xpm than ur leaderboard void.


                                                            You can see why he hates void


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                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                              This hero is balanced.

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                ^mmm dat combo


                                                                  so gay


                                                                    Buy a euls, pick doom, vengful, disruptor. Pick anything that can kill void in a chrono. Go spam void a bit and see how easy it is to counter.