General Discussion

General DiscussionI fucking did it

I fucking did it in General Discussion

    my hard work and dedication has paid off

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      congrats :)


        though its us east so only half congrats xD


          good show


            oh what is the minimum MMR to get that notification :surprise:


              us east like 5,2k eu west like 5,8k

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                  I am 5303 mmr, not impressive imo though

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                    Congrats. Who cares what server its in.


                      That's entirely false, it selects people on an entirely different criteria then MMR

                      ...and I am only at 4.8

                      EDIT: This was back when I was like 4.3k

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                        I think games played is a massive factor, both Havoc and RAMBO have a large number of games.


                          it's a bit buggy. at least it was in earlier stages, now you are not getting it unless you get close.
                          like i got mine around ~5700 but I was still off from making a cut which is nearing 6k on Europe.

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                          ICE SKULL

                            i got mine when i hit 5.9k on my main after my 105th solo ranked game and on my new smurf i'll probably get it right when i hit 300 matches played because it'll probably be at 6.5k or something until i reach to that point