General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't seem to bounce back in my MMR rating of 1097

Can't seem to bounce back in my MMR rating of 1097 in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Each game I play I try to pick heroes that I'm good with. Unfortunately, this is not working out for me, and I keep losing because of teammates that feed or enemy players who pick some of the most obnoxious heroes (Pudge, Bloodseeker, Sniper, Death Prophet, Viper, etc) and I end up getting furious.

    I really want to enjoy Dota 2 but god dammit, can't I WIN RANKED MATCHES?!! Jesus christ, even that crappy All Out War 2 mod on Skulltag Doom wasn't as aggravating as this.


      u play fucking captains draft on 1k mmr ? :facepalm:

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          Each game I play I try to pick heroes that I'm good with.




            how can you be good at any hero at 1k mmr though


              he is relatively good. for his rating, he has a good brewmaster
              stop being elitists.. no one here is pro, lets say benao is good at a hero and he is 5k, then comes a 7k guy:

              >5k rating
              >good at a hero

              and there we go


                Benao isn't 5k, neither is he good.

                All he has is understanding of the game, but his attitude is fuckin balls. Worse than Bogi, or even Blunts attitude.

                Tiny Airlines

                  Unfortunately, yes, my attitude is shit, but I'm autistic and sadly, I can't seem to get my anger under control sometimes...

                  ICE SKULL

                    i'd gladly bring you to 1.5k for legion arcana or someting neat


                      With a record of 6 last hits a minute, I don't see why you think it's a lie...


                        i can boost you up to 3k for 8 keys
                        final offert pick it or leave it


                          yea wave-sama told me that benao is a fucking asshole


                            wtf 1k bracket exists?

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                              2014 devaslaytion

                                If you want to enjoy dota, its not about getting to 6k and then you will never rage. No matter which mmr you are at, there will always be teammates you will be dissatisfied with. At times its really teammates fault. But there are times too when its your fault(and you fail to see this because you are playing too egotistically. When i was new to dota i wasnt even like you, i play each game seeking to learn. I have always seen my teammates and enemy as better than me). And then there are times when its everyones fault(meaning bad picks or bad momentum early game).

                                If you really want to enjoy dota 2, its by playing each game with the mentality you want to try your best to win, BUT yet when you lose, just accept it. Its a game afterall. I cant stress this enough, a game once its over, its over. No one can teach you how to see it in this way. But if you never do, you will never enjoy dota 2. Sure there are times when u go on winning streak and you feel v happy. But then the losing streak will start and you rage again. If you want to enjoy it whether lose or win, you have to adopt the "its only a game" mentality. And no that does not mean you will end up sucking at dota, i have a 5002 rating(not fantastic) but i think its fine. I enjoy the game anyway, and i dont really care much about mmr, although i admit it feels nice to have a high mmr. But i just dont let the numbers affect me.

                                (Before i get scolded for smurfing, i shall just state my reasons here. My main was badly screwed up from training meepo. So once i felt ready, i created a new one. And my main have nvr played ranked before, so i never knew what is my mmr, so dont accuse me of smurfing to get high mmr. And if u look at my profile, those games there are excluding calibration games. I have a 57% win rate, meaning i have climb after calibrating, so i believe i calibrating rightly)


                                  even though im fucking awful at this game too, one tip is to not play captains draft at your skill level because:

                                  1. the captain is going to be a 1k mmr player who doesn't know how to draft, so your team composition is going to suck and probably lose you the game.

                                  2. hero pool is a crapshoot whether you get a hero you know how to play, and second, whether your captain picks it for you or not. applies to all your teammates who likely only play 5 heroes tops.

                                  just play all pick and get good with a few heroes (start off with 10 or something), then keep playing them. as long as you're winning more games than you lose with them, your mmr will increase eventually.


                                    also you don't need to be good to enjoy the game

                                    Moja Moja

                                      Hmmm... I see one of the problems...

                                      >>>ALWAYS BRING A TP SCROLL WITH YOU! :)


                                        i didnt know people enjoyed playing dota
                                        i dont, i dont even know why i play this shit, i dont have fun most of the time but i cant stop playing neither


                                          troloolollo hahashahaha :D <3


                                            1k mmr, i think u better get smurfin.

                                            Kai no Kiseki

                                              Try using lobby and practicing your last hitting against no opposition with a hero of your choice. Don't use your skills to get creeps, only use right clicks. If you do this a few times, you'll find your ability to get farm (and thus win more) in real games even get better.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Sleave me too bro ..... me too


                                                  just give me your account, i will help you get back

                                                  puni puni butt UWU


                                                    i started at your mmr and i got 1k higher, and still going up. people will always be retarded no matter what mmr you are at. just play your best and who knows where you'll end up?

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