General Discussion

General Discussion^^DragonFist^^ 7400+ MMR by playing only TA

^^DragonFist^^ 7400+ MMR by playing only TA in General Discussion

    This guy's fucking legit, I've watched some vods, he's a monster. (if it doesn't redirect you to the correct time it's 54:35)

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      sick of ppl spamming one hero and one hero only to grind mmr. wish they would make separate bracket for all these retards to play together all the time.


        +1 ^ 6 minimum characters. But Fear is playing on US servers right? US servers are like 1v5 anyway if you are a baller

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        Quick maffs

          He is really good

          If he has fun spamming one hero game after game after game after game after game

          well, good for him

          though that sounds more like grinding mmr than having fun but who am i to judge


            So you guys are sick of people being really good with one hero?

            I'd rather be insanely good on TA, than mediocre on every single hero, or rather "decent" on most heroes.

            This guy is a legend, in my eyes.


              I love Fear, but tbh if it seems kinda boring to watch the same hero played. But then again ddsama(is that your name you go by?) is right, that's what I believe too. I'd rather be the best @ one hero then mehh on other heroes.

              edit - o wait its not Fear thats playin. Lol whatever. That was a nice play by the TA player tho

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              Quick maffs

                I dont have anything against that, i am just saying that i would not have fun if i was him ( i played like 4 ta games in a row and i am already bored )

                but if he does have fun good for him !

                btw waga is pretty legit on TA too, but dragonfist is probably better.

                Quick maffs

                  lol, his last 3 or 4 loses was against EE razor

                  No one can beat EE in the tryhard game

                  no one


                    his name is kinda, i don't know, 12 year old , somethin like ^^SunRise^^, makes it look 12 year old.

                    ICE SKULL

                      its us east, anything is possible there


                        @xan while I respect your opinion that spamming one hero might not seem legit, I really don't think its justified for you to call it a retarded thing to do. Some people simply enjoy winning more than trying out different sets of skills every game.

                        I, for one, really appreciate watching one-hero players such as Dragonfist and !Attacker. It's pretty fuckin magical that they play those heroes who seem to have rather low skill ceilings, yet they always manage to stomp enough to carry their teams in most scenarios. And if you watch them play, you see that they have really mastered their heroes. They seem to always know what they're doing and they literally display the maximum potential of a hero. It's beautiful.

                        Quick maffs

                          It would be so fucking epic to have players like attacker dragonfist w33 etc in the same game, i know that will never happen but still ....


                            dragonfist usually feeds or plays bad on other heroes, you can just as well see that through his dotabuff, yet his TA is impressive.

                            xan, you're just stupid with the "sick of ppl spamming one hero and one hero", even called them/us retards. you fed like a trash in 10 out of your last 15 games, got carried in one of the wins, how do you even get to fucking big-ball regarding people.

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              his storm seems to be impressive as well

                              El Pollo Diablo

                                edit: nvm, it was a faker.

                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                  What? I never played eu mm in the past 2 years, there's been a group of people trying to secure mid and changing their username/avatar to mine and putting their profile private, I've gotten a couple of messages about that.

                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                    Awesome ta


                                      i was watching 1 vod with storm and he fed there

                                      was cba 2 look4 more

                                      but those spill hits on fears qop is amazing


                                        He is 7.4k, playing with 4k people against 5-6k. What's strange that he picks TA ? He needs to pick his best hero to win, because handicap is huge. Saying that he is only good TA is bullshit. His Storm is amazing & other heroes he plays are also very good, not just on the level of his TA, which is probably the best in the world.


                                          Hey mate, Grats that you reached 7.4k MMR.
                                          May I ask you to play 1 or 2 games of Storm Spirit because i lost your replays.


                                            oh look, people get super sensitive because they recognized themselves in my post. cry me a river.

                                            there's like literally ton of people playing one hero (mort, tinker, bs, kka sky void and so on) I meet on daily basis. I'm sick of playing with them. perhaps it's fun for you devlisih from observer point of view, but I find the games fucking obnoxious.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              dragonfist have my children

                                              Quick maffs

                                                6-0 with TA this week

                                                Thanks based dragonfist


                                                  he is insane but i find swiftending somehow better than him
                                                  but DF's TA is out of this world, its funny how everything he does looks pretty simple until you try to reproduce that

                                                  his laning phase is ridiculous, and he usually gets to snowball even playing vs bad matchups (people usually instalock viper whenever they see him picking TA). his aggro trick is also very good, i dont think i would ever be able to hit a creep if playing vs him


                                                  yup people are changing to ur name so they get supports to make they win mid lane, I think a lot of ppl have said that in your thread on playdota forums


                                                    ^What's his "aggro trick"?

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      I dont think a bad matchup is viper, i think a bad matchup is razor, even more EE razor :P


                                                        aggro trick is that shit you use to control the lane equillibrium where you click to attack a hero to draw creeps aggro, he does it to benefit TA's capability to deny, LH and harass at the same time

                                                        just ridiculous how efficient he is at this trick


                                                          ohlel, thats no trick. However yes, you can do some chucky things with it to deny creeps and lasthit at the same time drawing creepagro

                                                          Godjesus I'mma never gonna main TA.

                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                            i call that trick because thats how i learned from chaqs guide i suppose, dunno how else to call it :P

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Its funny, i play heroes like necro or od or even tinker better than TA, still ta gives me easier wins than any of the others.



                                                                i think its because TA can push out the advantage better than the other ones you mentioned
                                                                once you start snowballing as TA its hard to shut you down


                                                                  its funny how terrible players like chaq can teach people something :D


                                                                    can someone please explain the aggro trick for me ? i'm so so bad and can't understand :(


                                                                      click on enemy hero near creeps and they will chase you
                                                                      A+click on allied unit and near creeps will stop chasing you


                                                                        oh so it's called the aggro trick. i know it already but didn't do it much and don't know its name :p
                                                                        ty for enlighten :D i will it more since now on

                                                                        NORMAL MATCHMAKING

                                                                          my question is why isn't dragonfist top50 TA on dotabuff's heroscore...? he has 7.4k mmr ffs


                                                                            Yeah because the more game you played with that hero, it's harder to get into that top 50
                                                                            I suggest not taking that top 50 dotabuff too seriously lol.

                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                              you need an account that played dota during dotabuff's ranked system or w/e it was called


                                                                                dotabuff hero score means literally nothing right now