General Discussion

General DiscussionTB Pickers - SnY vs Manta

TB Pickers - SnY vs Manta in General Discussion

    As the title states, I want the community opinions on SnY vs Manta on TB. I would like the input of distinguished veteran TB pickers such as matrice and zenoth as well as newer players who try out different builds. Here are a couple of points:

    -Which is better in general (pros vs cons)?
    -Which is better at certain points in the game (ex. SnY is more powerful early and Manta is powerful late?). A follow up to the last example, is it worthwhile to build an SnY and disassemble into a Manta late game? What will you do with the Sange considering late game means you are strapped for slots (sell or build into something else like HH)?
    -Which is better versus certain lineups and versus certain heroes? How does SnY or Manta fare versus heavy nukers, silencers, pushers, CC/Stun, balanced lineup, etc etc.

    If you feel like I missed a point/category feel free to let us know and give your own input. So, what do you guys think?


      Manta definitely gives more static DPS

      if you are playing a style focused entirely on split pushing, Manta is generally the superior option

      if you are playing a game where you would like to involve yourself in kills more / cannot trust teammates to stop tps / are facing opponents who wipe illusions easily, split push may not necessarily be the best option, and in this case SnY becomes a more attractive option.

      Generally I don't buy Sange much, so you'll have to wait for matrice to answer those questions.


        always manta


          From my Terrorblade experience so far, Manta is always the preference. Only issue is that Terrorblade seriously needs strength stats to survive. It often forced me to get Sange first.

          So, if you are having easy game, go all agility! Skip SnY and go Manta, wreck towers even harder with extra illusions! If having hard time (like getting in fights often), get SnY first. If even harder time, always keep boots on strength and also get lifesteal (like HotD).

          Dire Wolf

            Idk matrice builds both, I've been spamming s&y. Snare proc, extra speed, more hp sooner. I just feel more able to teamfight with it although using the manta use to escape could be very useful. You could always split s&y late into a manta for that extra push if needed after you get skadi and have plenty of hp.

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              I've been going games with sny and still rat it out and I feel like I do pretty well. I feel like sny is a pretty safe option considering you can be ready to fight or rar at a moments notice.
              Here's another unrelated question: at what point in what item/build is it relatively easy to do ancients (and later rosh) by yourself? What are some good vs average timings for important pickups such as bfly, skadi, etc?


                Meh for people like zenoth or matrice, it doesn't matter if they build SnY or manta they will still win games :facepalm:

                But my personal opinion, i like manta on TB.
                It improves his illusion's split pushing really well

                List of heroes that rely on illusion to win games:

                Do SnY looks good on them? no.
                Same with TB

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                  I prefer S&Y. It comes online faster, gives more survival, move-speed and team fight.

                  But also, I just dislike the timing difference on the duration of manta illusions, and generally find them unnecessary. TB produces illusions really quickly, and if he is focusing a tower, 2 illusions and TB can get the job done really fast.

                  Manta is not a bad item, but it seems more appropriate for simply trying to kill towers only with illusions as split push when the opposing team controls the map.

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                  Dire Wolf

                    You can do ancients at like lvl 6 with a few wraith bands, just juggle aggro on your illusions, though I don't usually intentionally farm ancients, I just pick them up on the way to do other things. If I'm jungling tb I'm clearing the closer jungle creeps then pushing the lane for that t1.

                    Rosh you probably can do it with s&y/manta and butterfly/skadi so two items. I have easily done it with s&y, butter and skadi at like 40 mins but hell any carry with that much farm can solo rosh. The problem is illusions can't rosh and tb doesn't build lifesteal. If you build lifesteal I feel like you could do it with just yasha at like lvl 11 and meta up. Maybe I'll try it in a bot match.


                      You can rosh with manta/skadi/Helm of Dom too...

                      always manta for me

                      Dire Wolf

                        I did a passive bot match and was able to rosh with maxed meta, helm of dom, two wraith bands, quell blade, brown boots. It was not hard so you could probably do it at like lvl 9 and 10-12 mins in. At 9 you can be 0/4/4/1 so it's not really going to mess up your abilities but yasha is way better for pushing than dominator. Idk I might troll around with roshing on him though now that I know it can be done. Dominator for stacking creeps is always fun.

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                          @ gundam

                          Rosh kills illusions so I don't really see what the point of that is.


                            If you build your illusions properly then you can simply move click your illusions onto rosh. Since rosh only gets rid of illusions that attack him, move clicking doesn't draw aggro and the illusions can tank for you while you dish out the DPS.


                              actually, it's not when they attack him, it's when they land an attack, (which basically allow a lucky pl to kill rosh with one illusion, if each time illu proc a new one)

                              and that's a not yet fixed bug.

                              Dire Wolf

                                That seems like way too much micro for me.

                                Zephyr | Purge

                                  i didnt even bother reading any of the comments above because the answer is Manta 100%