General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill Bracket Question?

Skill Bracket Question? in General Discussion

    Sorry if this question has asked before, I have nowhere else to ask it.

    I have played 3 games in "high skill", what made it high skill?

    Is it if the majority of the players are above certain mmr or how does it work?
    I won 2 and lost 1(against a 5 stack), It was my goal to get to play more high skill games.
    What's the best way to get more high skill games?

    Thanks allot.


      Normal: 0-3199
      High: 3200-3799
      Very High: 3800+

      It's about this

      Best way to get more *Very High games is to get good. You have low mmr because you suck, simple as that. (Don't believe you're good)


        So high skill game have the majority of people 3200-3799? About how many does it take to make it high skill?
        I am 2k, I have no delusions of greatness :P and it doesn't bother me either.
        Also these games where just all pick pub games.
        I never did believe I was good, don't where you got the idea :)


          In high bracket games the average mmr is around 3200-3799, yes.

          What game mode you play doesn't matter, unranked games also has a hidden mmr.
          I've not directed anything towards you about being good or not, but it's a common thought to think you're way better than your team-mates. Especially at lower mmrs. (Omg, I deserve 5k, my team suck, blablabla)


            The best way to get more high skill games is to play ranked and not normal match :/
            With this your number will keep increasing if you won and you can track them


              Thanks, I was just wandering how I ended up in high skill with my terrible mmr. That's all.
              Is it possible the hidden mmr is higher than my visible mmr? I haven't played a ranked game in months.
              Is there a way to find out what your 'hidden mmr' or at least to see an estimate?

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                Because if there's few players playing (late night/morning) you may get odd matches where the mmr spread is big. I'd suppose this isn't very common in low mmrs cause there's so many players there, but:

                You may be the lowest mmr in your team, and getting matched with people 3k+
                Your hidden unranked mmr is higher than your ranked rating.