General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of players do you think your parents would be if they playe...

What kind of players do you think your parents would be if they played Dota? in General Discussion

    I always wondered what they'd be like in game if they played Dota lol. My mum is incredibly competitive and intelligent (she went to uni when she was 16) but has real trouble admitting when she's wrong, and reacts angrily to anyone trying to tell her what to do. I'd imagine she'd be either one of those mid-upper 4k flamers with 101% abandon rate I hear so much about or some 6k front pager who's borderline pro-level.
    My dad on the other hand is really laid back but not quite as smart as my mum. As far as I can tell, everyone who is laid back and doesn't care about losses are sub-3k, so I guess he'd be somewhere in there.

    What do you guys think your parents would be like?


      16 year old and attended university? dont believe it


        She sat the 1978 exams, the first university entry exams for more than a decade (during the Cultural Revolution all universities were closed and academics imprisoned ... this is why going with public opinion doesn't work) in China.

        But what about you, what are the parents who sired the great Wave-sama like? Would they flame as hard as you?

        ICE SKULL

          my mom would hit me with a sandal when i was a kid if i got bad grades or did something bad in school and my dad would just say keep trying thats about it i guess

          i dont know what it would be like if my parents played dota or any video game, my dad watches football and buys every ticket for it because he is rich as fuck while my mom just cooks and take care of flowers


            Dude are you my brother or something? My parents have the same story ._.


              Except wave is 6k and wink is 3k.

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                My comment was directed to OP, did you see me put a "^" or "@wave"?




                    My Dad would be pro as fuck but nobody would want him on their team because he'd be the biggest flamer of all time.

                    My mom would only play heroes she thinks are cute.

                    Quick maffs

                      Well they would never play dota or any other videogame so i dont know.


                        Let's see...assuming their skills are based on tech knowledge and attitude....

                        My dad would struggle to break 1k mmr because technology is hard(can't even master a cell phone).
                        My mom knows tech and plays games for probably a mid-high 2k player and would be fine with it.

                        However assuming skill/dedication into other areas could be applied...
                        My dad would probably be a 4.5-5k hard carry/skill shot player.
                        My mom would probably be a 4-4.5k micro player.


                          My dad would probably play support and be very quiet all game and he would probably be good player, just like his son.

                          My mum would probably troll games all day doing nonsense and make people angry.


                            My dad would spend most of his playing time on dota forums, probably something more community based. Also trading items but always give them away below real price to friends. Never play ranked.

                            My mom would be better, but it would be hard to get her into playing ranked, couse "what if i have to go do other stuff while playing??". If somehow she started playing this game, would def be better than me, she beats me in every fucking game we played... Mostly playing those logic/skill based flash games, and just one game for a longer time but extra good at those, im always amazed... She would enjoy an mmo a lot more than dota (she read all warcraft books, game of thrones and lots of other fantasy), but she would be able to hit 4k with time at least, but probably with a small hero pool.

                            King of Low Prio

                              if a grill plays against a grill who exactly is worse???



                                ^ That doesnt matter, the real enjoyment is winning against guys. :D I loved beating boys in wow, sad thing Im only 3-3.5k here :(
                                I never cared about winning against grills.


                                  my dad was poor as fuck, he graduated in law, then he became a chief officer at the Federal Police making 20k/month (in Brazil its a lot!)
                                  my mom got pregnant at 18, her husband (father of one of my brothers) abandoned her, she had to work full time to keep up. She managed to attend to university aswell and became a Literature professor in the local University.

                                  My dad is really quiet, he doesn't show his emotions and he doesnt really speak much. I guess he would be a fucking 6k MMR asian (like Zenoth), because he is a hard worker. My mom, like yours, has a hard time admitting she is wrong, but she also works hard, she would be a flamer (like mason maybe) because when she starts bitching around when she is really under pressure

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                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I miss playing WoW, too bad it sucks now


                                      my mom would be just like me

                                      ruining games all day everyday not giving a single fuck about it

                                      and my father would be super tryhard trying to win everything no matter what at all costs

                                      idk how was their childhood n shit never gave a fuck tbh

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                                      kanye went to uni

                                        @Wink did your parents also live through the Cultural Revolution? That's pretty cool.

                                        By the way, I found out my mum actually sat the second round of exams, not the first one (which occurred in the end of 1977) :p Still pretty impressive as only one percent of students managed to make it to a university at all but not quite as impressive as the first cohort :/

                                        Edit: Oh, well, I guess I'm posting from my alt again :p

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                                        Miku Plays

                                          get on your main OP

                                          kanye went to uni

                                            This one has Dotabuff plus. I couldn't log on to it in China because I had to verify it through Gmail.



                                              Quick maffs

                                                Well i guess if i think about it my mom would tryhard to 7k ( i am serious she would ) and my father woudnt give a fuck ( he would probably be 2k or something )

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!