General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone analyze this match of mine?

Can anyone analyze this match of mine? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Even though we won, I felt that my impact was very low. Maybe I did something wrong regarding my item choices, or skill build. I really wanted to buy a gem for bh but it was too risky mainly because they were focusing me a lot. Tbh I didn't trust anyone in my team to carry the gem so I just went on with sentries and dust.


      It was higher than your legions. Try going for Veil next time, also was the urn really needed?

      Try something like this as its just an average match with Lich, the Veil is so important on heroes like him and Jakiro where magic damage is all you do.



        Rapsharus, playing support doesn't mean you're supposed to deal out all the damage during fights.

        Going for items such as Forcestaff, Pipe or Mek may or may not be more useful than you going for items to amplify your magical damage output.


          well well,
          good pick,
          bad ward spot, u should in ward forest so you can see Tinker coming + rune,
          urn rush why ?
          missing last hits.... 27 ? you can easily farm more between fights

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            Miku Plays


              In lower brackets, legions main damage output is only on duels most of the time thus lc have low HD.


                In a 40 minute match though :(


                  Are you implying 6,6k hero damage is normal for a 40+ minute game?

                  Dawg, if I had to play in that bracket I'd rather get a social life. God damn


                    also eat mid creep at start

                    Miku Plays


                      im still weak despite my number of games sigh


                      it actually depends on how the game goes.. imo if its one sided most lcs have low HD but as the game goes on expect lc to deal more damage. another factor why lcs damage is low because there are other hard hitters on the team

                      Hex Sigma

                        @WiT.HiN_T i didn't know about that one but it makes sense. On the farming part, usually in 2k no one(with some exceptions knows how to farm). So if i steal those little last hits that he's gotta get he will end up with nothing.

                        Regarding the urn rush, usually when i am playing support i want to have some extra safety also for my teammates. Ice armor helps with that, but i usually take ice armore much later(if they are too aggresive i'll point it earlier). So i go for urn for 2 reasons: keeping my retards alive(they dive and go rambo like shit) and i also tend to gank, a lot and participate to teamfights so urn is welcomed until i get the mek. After the mek i usually sell the urn for another item.

                        EDIT: i forgot to say that lc was butthurt and fed them with ult so i HAD to force her to stay alive(hence all the disabling and heal).

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                          havoc averages 14k hd as LC


                            ey Hatsune

                            You have 500 games with Legion, yet you've not learned to max Q/whatever key you have it on/1st ability over the others?

                            I mean, do you even learn during your 500 games.

                            I'd assume it has something with you being a lowbracket player, but just try it. 4-1-1, bottle in jungle, help mid, even gank mid and you'll see yourself increase in penislength


                              looking by stats i would say you had less impact than pudge and void, which is ok
                              you guys assured your doom a good time and i'm sure he could keep up if you guys had failed late game, because he had so much gold, so much survivality, so you did your job

                              but 27 LH is way too low for pubs. you are not supposed to LH in lane (and in sometimes you should, like when your carry is far away from the ranged creep who is about to die, and he will never get to it in time, so you kill it), but when the laning phase is over you should be last hitting whenever possible.

                              besides tinker (and the dagon BH..........), they were all physical dmg, you should consider building a halberd in games like this (not specifically in this game because as it seems both sniper and slardar sucked) if you have the gold (and you kind of had, replace the ult orb for a Sange)

                              Miku Plays


                                i do learn. when 6.80 came i already know that Q should be prioritise than E but having Q just doesnt suit my playstyle.

                                Quick maffs

                                  Legion, what an awful hero

                                  Hex Sigma

                                    the hero is awesome but you need a team in order to snowball to infinity with it.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      ^ yes yes.. and thats why @butterboys i dont max Q only a few people know how lc works


                                        I would analyze yours, but after seeing so many people asking for it on my thread I got nauseous and stopped xD

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!