General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i practice LH properly?

How do i practice LH properly? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    SF challenge?

    Lobby against bots?

    Lobby alone?

    And for what cs/min should i aim when i am practicing?

    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

      82cs / 10 min is perfect score, above 50 is fine most of the time.

      आप गे क्यों

        theres a LH mode u can unlock in the quests, its basically 1v1 vs a bot

        saw someone on stream doing it but personally i never unlocked the quests...too damn long (30+ for the first quest? no way)


          get good at math =)


          LH need: good analyze good timing and knowledge hero of your opponents, thats all you need

          as oldschool player, when I was newbie I trained LH with CM, she is one the most difficult hero to do LH imo and if you master it, then you wont have problem with LH with another heroes =)

          and if you are still bad at LH, then you fate is to play SUPPORT :D

          Goodluck and Enjoy

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            dont just play sf, practice with every hero, they all have varying attack delays, base damage, damage range, and missile speeds that you have to account for.

            sf is basically last hitting with 40 damage for 2 waves then his base damage is no longer shit.

            aim for 6 cs a minute, so 60 by 10 minutes.


              6 cs a minute is 3 out of 4 creeps every wave


                u cant practice lh, it comes from the heart, u must have

                आप गे क्यों

                  yes it comes from me, all hail me

                  harvard graduate

                    82/82 is the maximum you can get from mid last hitting. On safelane its a little less because less creeps will arrive in the 10 minutes. If you get 70+ you are pretty much good to go.


                      create lobby go mid and kill creeps


                        Dotawiki - "and every seventh wave will have a siege creep (starting at 3:00.)" - 7th wave would be at 3:30, so why would it spawn at 3:00? Too lazy to bother and actually check if it's at 3:00 or 3:30 and I cant remember


                          if you have android, try to find on playstore type ,,last hit" there are few apps to train last hit =)

                          I played last ,,Void Goes Farming" its fun, and I noticed that I got a bit better at LH ;)

                          I think you should try it out.

                          I was playing it like when I was in bus or metro.Must say it affected mine lasthitting skill a lot ^_^


                            you can get alot more than 82 tho ^^

                            leave me alone

                              dont buy any items, and hitting 70 is what u should be getting seeing as its a practice lobby and thats 6/7 creeps or so.


                                Just keep practicing in normal games agaisnt real people.

                                -Every hero has different attack animation
                                -Player > bot
                                -You can,t just last hit without controlling the lane


                                  I think the hardest part is tricking the enemy into thinking you're going to last hit. When you attack and cancel at the last second making them deny and giving you the free last hit. Or maybe attacking early because your creep's projectile will reach the creep right before you.