General Discussion

General Discussionwheres the steam id?

wheres the steam id? in General Discussion

    why was it removed?


      Because Sampson kept on getting stalked by random shitheads and, as he secretly controls the forums...


        is he 12? add the"feature" back


          It's not that Sampson controls the forums, it's that he has mind control over some people in the forums. Perhaps he has mind control over the moderators. Huh.

          I know it wasn't a serious answer :3

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            Huh...that wasn't a serious answer.

            Anyway, in all seriousness, there is no answer. There is another post with this same question but the mods never posted in it.


              the only thing scrubson controls is his bladder

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                You really are late to the party.


                  @zano doubt he could control that either :)

                  ICE SKULL

                    please BRING IT BACK ALREADY


                      Harder to sell accounts without this feature?

                      ICE SKULL

                        what the fuck does selling accounts have to do with steam on dotabuff profile you ignorant cunt? cant you go back to playing bot matches or something, adults are talking

                        i mean lolz, tb in bot matches

                        some peoples ego in this forum geez



                          Comparing the two of us and you think I have the ego?

                          You are absolutely a better dota player than me. You are also an account seller, abuser, and a narcissistic douche.

                          P.S. - And the fact that you think there is some issue with me having the common courtesy towards my team mates to try out Terror Blade level 1 jungle (thanks again matrice) in bot matches first, rather than jumping into match making without having attempted it is kinda laughable.

                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                          ICE SKULL

                            are you being autistic about others being capable of selling accounts because
                            1) you suck at dota and will never be able to do it
                            2) you will never be able to afford one due to living in your moms basement and having 0 work experience
                            3) you want to jump on reddits dick
                            4) all of the things i said above?

                            you wanted to come to my thread to shitpost and you still post about me on reddit, just how fucking sad can you get cunt? i dont know if i should feel flattered or annoyed tbh


                              I'm starting to question if you know what autistic means. As for "shit posting", you have a rather long history of actually shit posting yourself so i'm not exactly sure what your point is.

                              As for your points 1-4: don't care or shit talking. nothing new from you.

                              As for this reddit trip you keep going on about-

                              "crlxzzz for example is know for selling accounts and uses reddit on /r/dota2trade. The Epic NPC forum is just depressing to look at frankly. Wave/6klolplayer or w/e name he chooses to go by has claimed to sell accounts and all bust certainly uses accounts to feed his team in ranked games"

                              you are really salty about that statement apparently.

                              I'm going to sleep. Stay classy wave.

                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                              ICE SKULL

                                "dont care"
                                u are literally editing ur posts and giving enough time to shitpost in my thread about off topic chat that only brainless 2k-3k mmr redditors would care about

                                pls try again


                                  Stop bitching.

                                    Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                    ICE SKULL



                                        @above wave
                                        Stop making shitty videos, you are nothing close to a dota 2 pro. My 2.8k mmr friend plays better than you.

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                          time to get out the popcorn

                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            Wave, please stop. No one cares. It might come back, it might not. I assure you dotabuff staff have better things to do then worry about 1 abuser bitching about some link being removed.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              because clearly devoting their entire time listening to an asspained autist like yourself writing pointless guides nobody read and telling others to buy dotabuff plus just in *hope to get mod on a video game forum* is more important than not telling me why a FEATURE was REMOVED?

                                              fucking die in hell autist

                                              ICE SKULL

                                                pls write to me in kawaii ugu colors that only such enthusiasts such as yourself can manage to do over us inferior humans *^_^*


                                                  it annoysme as well.
                                                  did ask why it was removed in another thread but never got an answer.





                                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                        Melody-San, stop lying. Many people care.

                                                        Nageoire de sirène.

                                                          wow even wave hates u melody, u rly must be the worst hypocritical fucktard ever.

                                                          Nageoire de sirène.

                                                            "I assure you dotabuff staff have"
                                                            like ur part of the staff.. pathetic

                                                            i hope ur aware that ur never gonna be part of the staff cuz not a single soul on this forum would accept that.
                                                            rly why dont u just go back to ur teletubies forum ? there is kawaii kisses and peace everywhere

                                                            or stay and try to suck more dicks mb it'll work out for you. ah also dont forget to swallow it give u bonus points.

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              autist autist autist autist

                                                              rename yourself to that my small son wave

                                                              telling someone they still live with their parents as an insult ;DD when you yourself still live @ your moms at 21 years of age ;D

                                                              he lives in sweden, is uneducated/unemployed ,prolly highschool dropout (you have to have some mentall illness to be unemployed/uneducated in sweden)

                                                              boasts about having sold few bucks worth sandboxfed accounts ,

                                                              wannabe 6k player

                                                              autist ??

                                                              why u boys take that kids crap srsly ;DDDD


                                                                it sucks that its gone

                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                  you are autistic for real, you've posted about me on epicnpc, reddit, playdota, joindota and whenever i mention something in a twitch chat, you immediately pop up out of no where ever since i deleted you from my friend list 5 months ago.

                                                                  last time (apart from this) you talked about me somewhere else was probably from the reddit thread where i offered to coach, and i doubt you will stop since you are literally obsessed with me.

                                                                  keep being obsessed with me i guess, maybe one day you will finally kill yourself when you begin to realize how painful obnoxious and dumb you sound.



                                                                    No need to get so defensive mejt.

                                                                    You sure it wasnt Me and mood that removed you :dd?

                                                                    Noone likes blogs bro

                                                                    Now go back to beeing cool Again,seems to me there are others who cant stand ya

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      "You sure it wasnt Me and mood that removed you :dd?"
                                                                      compared to you, hes normal. you write in the same way with all of those accounts you post with (and the only one to call me a cheater/sandboxer/scammer has been you), not to mention all of those accounts were made with an IP in luleå

                                                                      you've been doing this for 5 months, move on and find a fucking job or something, ES got nerfed, you cant maintain a kda higher than 3+, your winrate is below 50% on every hero you play and you streamsnipe us east streamers because its fairly easy to be in same match with them due to being 4.5k mmr in solo

                                                                      kill yourself thanks

                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                        originally this thread was going to be "why was a feature removed" but it turned out the 3 biggest autists of this forum ruined it

                                                                        gratz dotabuff, on any other forum they would have been banned and a reason would have been posted regarding the features removal


                                                                          Normal,as in he realised first how sketchy you actually are ??

                                                                          unlike you im actually employed and can maintain my es gained 5k as you say

                                                                          Such insults

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            its like im talking to a 14 year old. yes you are definitely 5k, its not like people can see your dotabuff, kda, winrate and your actual rating at the stream whom you try to snipe early in the morning to be in the same team with them

                                                                            literally go kill yourself, its a shame you wont realize how good it'll be for you

                                                                            ICE SKULL


                                                                              cant find the acc on joindota because you got banned for being a toxic kid, on epicnpc i think you got banned after a mod asked you to prove everything and you insulted the mod instead LOL

                                                                              oh well time for me to stop posting in this thread


                                                                                Kill yourself


                                                                                Wtf. Is wrong with you :dd

                                                                                Update your inults, Do those actually work in the shithole you live @

                                                                                Brb need to print screeen my 5 k and last month paycheck


                                                                                  Guys he be talkin crap bout my first acc kdas

                                                                                  Wat do


                                                                                    Brb quin some russian south America 5 stack for sum kds


                                                                                      Jesus christ, so much hate over nothing...

                                                                                      This epeen flexing, trash talking and all the rest, what for may I ask?
                                                                                      Everyone knows you are the best in the world Wave, everyone buys your t-shirts, and now what? After you proved that you keep spamming "autistic" for the 0 respect you have to ppl truly being affected by it and you spread shit on the forums for nothing.

                                                                                      At the end of the day you've gained nothing, if you truly like what you do, then go for the sake of everyone and farm your accounts to sell to gain 10 euros each. I guess unemployment is a serious thing in sweden.

                                                                                      Try to be more adult and respectful for once if you want to show everyone that you are better than what ppl say.
                                                                                      Last time i checked account selling is not a prestige thing to be known for, make you look rather dumb and hopeless.

                                                                                      Really tired of this load of arrogant pricks plaguing the forums.


                                                                                        Bring it back!

                                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                                          Are you guys seriously trying to argue with Wave ? I thought you all realized, long time ago, that he is an angry teenager ( i would say beetween 14-17 years old ), i mean just look at his insults i dont think he knows what autistic means.

                                                                                          I dont have anything against you for selling accounts, but look at the way you write man.

                                                                                          No one here was trying to flame or insult you wave, you started because that its what you LIKE to do, flame ramdon people you dont know over the internet.

                                                                                          Anyway, Wave if you dont have beetween 14-17 years old, my friend you should take a look at your life.

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            About the topic: Yeah i would like to have that feature back if posible


                                                                                              oh man i just finished the popcorn :(