General Discussion



    7-8/10 of my games includes a sniper hero. Getting sick of it.

    Thought I'd express my annoyance...zzzzzz

    Ples Mercy

      so wut?


        Sniper is a pretty good hero if the one using it doesn't go SB + MoM (actually even just SB. MoM can be good but we all know how pubs are at positioning their heroes)


          Bro first item cryst on sniper, always!


            even having a sniper on my team bothers me lol. And flower^ ITS BORING TO DEAL WITH!

            Hafla Enjoyer

              I loved this one time when I played morph and a sniper with MoM was like "1v1 me scrub wtf is eblade"

              Dire Wolf

                Deal with it.


                Sniper is op right now, especially in my 3k bracket where you just sit far away and pew pew. No one comes close. You still need a decent start lane, I got so pissed my last game when they stuck me solo vs pa and ogre magi, no chance there. But I can usually win any lane with a support or mid. Also most sniper's have stupid fucking builds, all obsessed with shadow blade, s&y undervalued, no one ever gets skadi or butterfly, desolater overvalued.

                Game before last I first picked sniper and my entire team started bitching about how bad he is. They weren't bitching when game ended and I had 5k tower dmg and 5 kda ratio.


                  Sniper too stronk rofl.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Noob sniper, no phase, went drums, maelstrom > crystalis. But that loss is probably more PL's fault, 900 tower dmg wha???? His farm isn't even *that* terrible, he couldn't drop one tower with radiance and heart?

                    Anyway I'm just stating that I'm on a roll with sniper lately in ranked and am not stopping and it's quite annoying when I pick him and everyone bitches considering I'm winning 2/3rds of ranked games with him and doing most the heavy lifting in those games.


                      Drums + PT instead of Phase + anything is legit, and PT are much more useful lategame (30 AS > 24 dmg lategame). PL couldn't take towers down because we hunted him hard. My team was pretty active at tp'ing when they pressured a tower.
                      He's not op, he just punishes braindead people who doesn't know the focus priority on tf.


                        soul ring + max shrapnel at lv7 is the way to go.
                        Look at my recent sniper games. almost always get highest tower dmg.
                        with soul ring and shrapnel early game sniper is an excellent tower pusher and farmer. with gold then transition to dps mid-late game.

                        best part is that . no one can gank you, if you always farm / push tower, at that ridiculus 2200 distance (1800 + 400 radius) away.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Yes agreed, which in my bracket no one knows how to focus sniper. I always call him out when on opposing teams, kill the sniper and we'll win. I just don't really like drums, pretty pricey when for a couple hundred gold more you can get yasha. If you need it for mana pool though that's pretty good. I always do phase for positioning so I can run otherwise the PAs and juggers of the world hunt me down too often.

                          I still have not been brave enough to try the soul ring shrapnel build. I keep maxing take aim first so I can safely last hit against anything in lane. I keep ending up vs pa for some reason, want to stay out of her dagger + blinkstrike combo range.

                          Quick maffs

                            at max level it does 142 damage to towers every 15 seconds

                            I mean ....


                              right ... its low.. compared to pugna. but better than the now hyped jak's 3rd ability.
                              160 dmg to tower every 15 seconds. 640 dmg per mintue.
                              tier 1 tower has 1300 hp. you can get 1 down in about 2 minute.
                              btw. tower has no magic resistance and tier 1 has NO backdoor protection. so spam the 2200 shrapnel whenever you have chance.

                              i need to point out shrapnel is also great for farming. basically you have a radiance every 15 s at lv7 , considering that wave appears every 30s

                              Dire Wolf

                                The only problem with using shrapnel to farm is it deals dmg over a long period of time so you either need to sit in it or have a creep wave tank the dmg. It sucks for farming jungle as creeps run through it and half of it's wasted. You can kind of juggle the creep aggro if you pull and then put the shrapnel between you and the spawn so they keep resetting, then running back through it but I don't think there's a way to get it to hit them 100% of the duration. I like to get maelstrom and rotate through safe lane and jungle farming jungle when safe lane gets pushed too far.

                                But yea, if you can get all the t1s down before losing any of yours that's a pretty big advantage. One thing you have to watch for though is denies because it deals the dmg slowly but surely it's pretty easy to deny a tower if your creep wave is about to die and you can't stay there for the last hit.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I tried the soul ring sniper build, worked out pretty good. Basically ratted until we were strong enough to win every team fight. I didn't really use the use that much but the extra regen helped a ton, I was never out of mana. Maybe an urn would be better?


                                  I think I will only use it mid or vs a solo offlaner. Safe lane need that range to stay alive if vs 2 people.


                                    Phase-->Drums-->Blink Sniper is legit bro.


                                    Don'tchu be hatin' on drums.


                                      the topic was how sniper's presence in every pub match is getting so annoying, not which build is good for him.

                                      Not saying that the hero is bad or anything, but guys come on. Try something else. Why every match drow sniper riki bloodseeker. Its fukn annoying.


                                        Anyway I'm just stating that I'm on a roll with sniper lately in ranked and am not stopping and it's quite annoying when I pick him and everyone bitches considering I'm winning 2/3rds of ranked games with him and doing most the heavy lifting in those games.


                                        That I am not surprised...

                                        Flat is Justice!

                                          sniper is like a high risk move, if the enemy is aggressive, u are gonna feed nuts and balls
                                          if they are passive, they are gonna have a badd time


                                            whether sniper can fit in well depend on your teammates,if hero like SNK or undying can win enough time for sniper ,I think only those who pick sniper before all the players are indeed noob.......