General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich item(s) you would build in almost every game?

Which item(s) you would build in almost every game? in General Discussion

    Mine are magic ward and drum. My starting items are usually 1 or 2 stack of tangos, 3 iron branches, 1 stack of wards if it's not bought by my team mates and 1 clarity or gauntlets of strength depending on my starting gold and whether I need to buy the courier. Placing the wards would save one slot for buying a magic stick in side shop. And I would use the courier for the first time to carrying magic ward and bracer. Later in the games I would build bracer into drum. These two items are both cost effective. The total price of drum is only 1850 and an ultimate orb cost you 2100. Drum may not be suitable for a carry but I don't play carry. I'm still relatively new to this game. I only play a limited number of heroes which usually have one or more control ability and are good at gank or team fight. Do you have any item you would build in almost every game?


      heart butterfly bots


        Force Staff

        Hex Sigma

          magic wand


            the only item I'm guaranteed to build every game is boots


              Dager ofc


                I don't always build wand. Sometimes a stick is good enough until you need to sell it. Sometimes even that is going to be underwhelming. But I rarely don't have Iron Branches at some point during the game.


                  magic wand i love those clutch saves


                    brown boots everything else is situational

                    Quick maffs

                      You mean what items would i buy in ardm for example ?

                      My official ardm build is midas into drums into BoT, the rest doesnt matter


                        Wards and tps. Mana boots, mekansm, detection.

                        If I'm not doing it no one will :(

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          Phase, blink, wards, smoke tp. Ez

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!