General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Play All Pick in Ranked?

Why Play All Pick in Ranked? in General Discussion

    I usually play Captains Mode, and I seem to get more people who want to win there. Whenever I play All Pick people instalock mid's and intentionally feed if they didn't get what they wanted. It seems more dangerous to play All Pick in Ranked (to me). So why do you do it?

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    King of Low Prio

      because to this day I have yet to see any decent player play captains mode. Usually it is just people who watch too much competitive and copy yesterdays drafts


        Because people who play captain mode are bad

        Edit: Fucking sampson said it right before me

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          But atleast in Captain's Mode both teams have 2 supports. Even if they have no synergy whatsoever, they atleast sometimes buy wards and don't compete for farm.

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            i only play captains mode with friends, otherwise youll get some fucking retard as a captain or someone who feeds on purpose when they have to play the hero they didnt want

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            King of Low Prio

              id rather have no supports than awful supports. People in captains mode stress yesterdays meta way too much.


                You don't always need two supports, I don't know why you assume that


                  I guess I should've said something along the lines of "not everyone picks a mid hero and feeds if they don't get to go mid"


                    It can happens in captain mode too


                      Too impatient for that shit.

                      King of Low Prio


                        offlane KoTL 4k MM

                        pro meta means shit in pubs


                          because ive only been playing circa 6 months and im a 2.3k scrublord :D would hate to see captains mode at this level its hard enough explaining what a trilane means


                            Cause Im a 2.7 k scrub on Aussie servers and sometimes it takes 12 minutes to find a regular match, let alone a captains match.


                              Because 1 person can't simply known what others can/want to play

                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                I personally do it because All Pick is probably 1/10 of the wait of a captains mode game. Some CPT modes games Iv had to waste 30 mins waiting for. That could be a whole quick game.


                                  I don't captain's mode in solo because I don't want to leave my life in the hands of pubs and don't consider myself a good enough drafter to be captain myself. Also I'm tired of being forced to play Visage every god damned game.
                                  I only captain's mode with friends when it's a 5 man stack. Otherwise I risk having my life in the hands of a pub and that's just no bueno.


                                    Because I don't want to play with a bunch of elitists and shitters who blindly follow meta.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!