General Discussion

General DiscussionSo my omniknight kda looks awful

So my omniknight kda looks awful in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    From dota wiki:

    Heroes that are in a 1300 radius of a killed enemy and did not deal the finishing blow will be granted a certain amount of reliable gold and experience, depending on the amount of allied Heroes in that area. Note that the assist counter on the scoreboard only counts assists that you dealt damage to, but gold and experience are awarded independently of your "assist" counter.

    So apparently I get all the exp and gold goodness of these kills but if I hang back and spam heal people not quite close enough to do dmg then my kda looks awful. Another reason kda is crap? Should I bother explaining to flamers when they see 1-8-3 on my hero score? I guess it's just about winning.

    Anyway, this hero has an absurdly high win rate but I suck with him. How do you guys play him effectively? Is going orb of venom ever worth it for a really cool degen aura + orb slow at lvl two? I did that in a lane with mirana once and it worked out pretty well, scored her some early kills vs an unsuspecting tri lane but omni is pretty weak and easy to nuke down early if you're chasing people in melee range.

    Do you just rush aghs + refresher? Would you ever not want to pick omni? I lost a game vs an old school 4 protect 1 anti mage team despite being way ahead cus they have aparition, deaht prophet, jakiro AND pugna. Sure my ulti stopped AM for 6 seconds and DP's ult but they had tons of magic dmg and CC to just wait it out. Maybe don't pick him unless there's 2-3 right click carries?

    Ce sujet a été édité
    Ples Mercy

      you are american right?

      Dire Wolf

        Americaaaa - fuck yea! gonna save, the motherfucking world yea! Go MURICA!

        Ples Mercy

          ok, thx for proving my point


            OOV -> Maelstrom -> Valds -> PTs -> Skadi

            Seriously though. Aghs refresher is good but situational. Sometimes Mek &| Pipe would be better IMO.

            Dire Wolf

              What point would that be? That america is aweomsesauce? Cus it is.

              So aghs is not exactly core huh?


                How can you suck at omniknight. You fucking n00b you are a fail faggot.

                Pls unistall.


                  Omni is a counter to right clicking lineups. If they have heavy nukes, he's not that good. He's boring as fuck, though. All you do in lane is sit far behind your carry and heal him when needed. In teamfights, keep your teammates alive. IMO the best build is refresher into aghs.


                    repel yourself -> blink in -> heal = nice nuke


                      You can't heal yourself when you have repel.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Wow thank you frankie, how insightful, I had no clue what I really was! Funny cus I just fucked my wife this morning too, but thanks for informing me that I love men! Idk what I was thinking!


                          lol i totally forgot AHAHA
                          Can't believe i said that


                            Mark and I will make anal babies and name it FrankieBallerina

                            On point, Assist is affected when you dont deal damage to the guy getting killed. Why my dazzle KDA is not preemo since I sit back and use utility items/heal and shit like that so I dont get caught.

                            Off point again: Hence the point of blunt being a usual turd Ferguson and not providing a real answer and his usual douche nozzle response like all americans are stupid and hes the only genius ever pushed out of his fathers ass by giving birth anally.

                            That is all.


                            Dire Wolf

                              It's just funny the bagging on americans when valve is an american software company. You would have no dota without their innovation. Unless you'd rather play Japanese rpg's all day. I can't think of any moba's made by one, smite is us based, riot games LoL is us based I believe.


                                Yeah I dont recall a good video game out of any other country except deus ex was out of montreal canada that was a sweet game.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think you're discounting all awesome nintendo games and other great japanese titles. But there's not that many from europe. Cd-project and the witchers are pretty decent. Can't really think of any older titles though. Which is weird cus a french company owns or owned activision for a while.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Winrate > KDA

                                    but kda is still something


                                      Oh boy, my joke was too hard for you. I'm sorry.


                                        oh great mighty murica, thank you for Dota and world peace

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                          "But there's not that many from europe"

                                          Just a few that I can think of off the top of my head.

                                          Rock Star North - Scotland - GTA Series
                                          Crytek - Germany - Farcry & Crysis series
                                          Criterion - England - Burnout series
                                          Mojang - Sweden - Minecraft

                                          Historically there was also Rareware and Bullfrog from England

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            yeah rock star has a bunch of studios all over

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!