General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone have ironic/conflicting stats?

Anyone have ironic/conflicting stats? in General Discussion

    Stats that reflect your skill the wrong way.

    Take mine for example, I'm actually not that good in Pudge but my stats imply I'm pretty decent. On the other hand, two of my best heroes (Meepo/Earthspirit) currently have horrible KDA and a 40% winrate.

    Morph is also a hero I'm not that good at but stats imply the opposite.

    ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

      hypothesis 1,
      stats dont lie, u understand ur skills wrong xD,
      considering the fact that meepo and Earth spirit are heroes that need high skill, whenever u play meh using them u think ur pro at them, however since pudge and morph require less skill relatively and are better pub stomping heroes when u win at them u see it normal.

      hypothesis 2,
      comparing ur winrate in each of these heroes to the avarage winrate of that hero not to ur winrate in another hero makes u better in ES and meepo than in pudge and morph


        Last time the winrate on ALL of my most played heroes were sub 50%. Because whenever I lost with a hero I would pick him over and over again, and as a result the heroes i play best all have a low winrate i.e. sniper am. Now my wr have improved though they still do not reflect how strong I am with those heroes


          You have to very bad to confuse which hero you're good at and which hero you're not. Especially going as far to say as my worst heroes being my best. (statwise it would imply they are my worst).

          I have no idea what you said in hypothesis 2.


            i have 40% winrate with am

            won 8/10 of my last games with him though, so there's that


              42% winrate since 6.81b
              (about 85 games)

              Ce commentaire a été édité

                Since when was Meepo a worse pubstomper than Morphling? Stats says he's a better, Monster.


                  Yes @dd-sama

                  The dude is OP. I could probably rise in MMR by quite a bit if I keep on using him. But I'm more interested in learning Tinker atm.

                  Hex Sigma

                    look at my gyro stats. What can I say luck can be a big factor




                        Whenever I play TA I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but I have a 66% winrate and a 5.24 KDA with her. Of course I've only played 6 games on her but whatever.

                        ICE SKULL

                          10 or 11 my losses on this acc is due to russians adding me and lying about their rating (they claim its 5k but played worse than 4k mmr players)



                            Riki and huskar cause i shared my account with a guy in beta time