General Discussion

General DiscussionHARDEST STR, AGIi, INT CARRY?

HARDEST STR, AGIi, INT CARRY? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    @X6 until he falls behind in lategame.

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      Hardest Int ever will be come soon, Techies

      Quick maffs

        Guys, a silencer with 100 int stolen hits way less than a 6 slotted OD, OD does close to 500 pure damage per ORB late game

        Hex Sigma

          ^bkb. Focus the bitch. Problem solved.



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              One vs one battles are very, very retarded.

              Let's pick my beloved Medusa and Spectre.

              If both of them go their standart builds, on six slots they have ~equal chances of winning one-on-one fight.
              If Spectre goes default build and Medusa picks BKB for exchange of some item, she'll win in ~90% cases.
              If Spectre goes high-end items build (like Satanic and Abyssal Blade, which both are quite rarely seen on Spectre), she'll win in ~90% cases.
              If Medusa goes Hex instead of BKB, then fight will be ~60% in Spectre's favor. Buying BKB on Spectre will solve the problem. Changing Hex for Refresher will pump Medusa's chances somewhere up to 80~90%, based on execution.

              And this could go on veeeery long. 6 slotted Void could be easily killed, if he isn't the one who initiates first.

              On-topic, my opinion is:
              str: either Sven or DK
              agi: Medusa
              int: Silencer or Tinker

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              harvard graduate

                STR - def. include CK. literally unkillable when 6slotted and does comaparable DPS to a Void
                Agi - Spectre/Medusa/void
                Int - OD or Tinker

                Quick maffs

                  Why would you say that silencer can carry harder than OD ? Remenber that OD ulti late game with refresher will take down 2 or 3 people.

                  Forcestaff into hex etc

                  Like OD is not agi guys is int :P silencer is going to need 200 int stolen to take down OD as a carry

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                    Hardest Str carry is Pudge.

                    Get 500 str from kills, proceed to build Assault Cuirass, Deadalus, Abyssal Blade, BKB and rek. EZ

                    Quick maffs

                      ^and 7k hp :P


                        well all of OD's right click damage comes from his orb, because it's pure damage based on mana, but silencer's is based directly off Int, so if you get a BKB, chances are a Silencer will hit harder than the OD, because Silencer still gets 2 raw damage from the intel he steals

                        OD would still wreck before/after bkb is obtained/used, but silencer offers more dps when bkb is active with rightclicks, assuming he's stolen/built enough intelligence

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                        Quick maffs

                          That might be true but you need to think that OD will have forcestaff and hex plus double ulti, OD ulti is instantly and can easily do 1k damage late game, plus if he can hex the enemy carry before he bkbs the enemy carry is dead


                            str - Tiny, Sven...
                            Agi - it really depends, there are many good hardcarries (some situations) but i will consider the most that work the best are spectre, void, medusa and PL (PA, AM, Morph, sniper, GYRO also work)
                            INT - OD no complain, he literaly won every 65+ game! He rocks lategame we've seen it many many times.




                                carry is not about killing heroes

                                TB THE BEST :D

                                Quick maffs

                                  man i wish there was more ways of instakilling illusions :P

                                  casual gamer

                                    I've murdered void lategame as WK several times, all you need is abyssal mjolnir and blademail, with mkb if he has butterfly and probably blink if he isnt a potato


                                      lion is a pain in the ass but his reaction is priceless when he manadrains the 26th illusion and it doesn't pop

                                      Quick maffs

                                        btw zenoth i see that the only item that you have late game that gives you hp is skadi, if the enemy has enough magical pure or physycal damage with mkb what would you get that gives more hp ? I just dont feel comfortable with only skadi as hp


                                          Manta also gives HP. Butterfly gives ton of effective HP. Enemy team usually can afford only one MKB, so it doesn't counter evasion that much.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Well last time i played TB i was against a void, bfly doesnt work in chrono but i forgot that, the thing is that i baited a lot of chronos with illusions but he got the right one 2 times, he dropped my hp from 2,5k to 0 before chrono ended ( actually i had like 300 hp when chrono ended but he bashed me )

                                            I saw a TB getting solo killed by tinker too, hex eblade dagon 5. (The poor guy didnt even got to use bkb )

                                            I just think I need more hp or something to be more comfortable with the hero


                                              there are some lineups that tb is really bad against, and some heroes which would force me to buy bkbs against

                                              against SA I will definitely buy a BKB early, probably even before Skadi

                                              against lineups with 2 cores that can clear illusions easily when farmed (e.g. Luna, OD, Timber) and supports who are a pain in the ass towards illusions (Sand King, Lion, etc) I will go for a more fighting oriented build, but usually most lineups are weird amalgamations of random carries and supports not equipped to deal with TB's split pushing

                                              BACK TO TOPIC

                                              Silencer can be really disgusting when played as a carry, in terms of overall damage + utility I think he might be one of the hardest INT carries overall

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                                                str - sven (undoubtedly)
                                                agi - void\spectre
                                                int - silencer\tinker\od dont really know

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  Hardest INT carry, Skywarth! lol I almost shit my pants at that comment.


                                                    AGI: Depends on the enemy. I say spectre because she is good vs all other carries.

                                                    Str: Tony, CK gets rekt by a cleave. Sven gets kited forever and has downtime

                                                    Int: OD can shit on anyother carry when their bkb wears off
                                                    Late tinker is also a beast
                                                    WAIFURUNNER AWESOME

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                                                      Tony. Nuff said.


                                                        Int-wise, a six-slotted Windrunner can be pretty scary late-game. She definitely isn't as hard as OD or Silencer, but damn, focus fire can be devastating with an agha.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Oh its true i forgot windrunner


                                                            What about Lone Druid? It's pretty rare to see twelve slots fully in action, but DAMN.


                                                              @Raven Heaviest game of my life. That wasn't even 6 slotted, still needed to finish heart and butterfly and couldn't afford a slot for bkb just because my team couldn't do damage. The game ended with me buying back and BoT into enemy base and focus fire the ancient as they go for a gg push.

                                                              Hafla Enjoyer

                                                                Seems like many disagree that void is the hardest carry, and I wonder why.
                                                                He has an AoE 5 second bkb-penetrating stun. And I've seen and experimented enough comebacks made by void, smashing my monitor as he 4-shots me and I can't do shit about it, if chrono didn't penetrate magic immunity I could've won so many disappointing games.

                                                                And he just got buffed. u wot icefrog

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                  Bkb penetrating stun which also allow him to hit your allies and if doesn't placed correctly, the whole team fight is fucked even though your team is winning?

                                                                  Before the buff void is just another underdog carry who never got picked, especially when carries within the same class could perform better job in teamfight such as medusa and spectre.


                                                                    these ''who is the hardest carry'' threads never end conclusive... i wonder why!


                                                                      And a shitty chrono can lose you the game


                                                                        Str: I would say Sven or CK. Didn't see a Tiny who would (equally farmed) outcarried those 2 yet. And dont forget about WK and Doom.
                                                                        Agi - Void, Spectre or Medusa.
                                                                        Int: OD, Invoker or Tinker.

                                                                        Can't really say who is harder carry between those. It mostly depends of a player who plays them and the item build he uses.


                                                                          tiny outcarries anyone dude that passive is sick


                                                                            ranged by full slotted OD will be ez problem, remember 300-500 pure damage


                                                                              I feel Like a 6 Slotted Wraith King stands toe to toe with a lot of traditional carries like void spec and dusa
                                                                              as far As Str heros go that is


                                                                                Wk is a beast with the right build, i totally agree.

                                                                                Hafla Enjoyer

                                                                                  @ Yfay @Traxax you assume a wrong placed chrono would fuck the game. Well if course, but a bad timed haunt, god's strength or stone gaze could potentially ruin the game too. I know what you mean, that a bad player can trap his team inside chrono and throw the game, bit every other carry with a big ultimate can waste it and throw the game.

                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                    str - axe
                                                                                    agi - spectre
                                                                                    int - sky/storm


                                                                                      Strength: Chaos Knight
                                                                                      Agility: Phantom Lancer
                                                                                      Intelligence: Skywrath Mage (Silencer if it's super late game and he's stolen a ton of Intelligence)


                                                                                        That silencer as a lategame carry comments are getting more and more stupid.
                                                                                        So Legion is the hardest carry becouse he can buff damage indefinately?
                                                                                        Be real guys, be real.


                                                                                          There are reasons, why Silencer is legit end-game carry and why Legion is not. Even with 500 extra damage, Legion can't fight 6-slotted Medusa or Void. Aside from damage and one disable she doesn't have much to offer in a teamfight. Silencer, on the other hand, has freaking Global Silence, 5 seconds silence+disarm AND lot of damage.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                            STR: Sven, Tiny, WK
                                                                                            AGI: Spectre, Void, PL
                                                                                            INT: OD, Tinker, Silencer

                                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              There's no consensus because it's too situatonal and people have different definitions like 1v1 who will win vs 5v5 who will win. But I would like to throw out some votes for:

                                                                                              Lycan - maybe not the strongest team fighter but 1v1 with a necro 3 and those wolves plus a vlads, abysal, ac, heart, bot, he can man fight most other carries.

                                                                                              Slardar - get enough IAS and he will perma bash most carries, he's worse than void at that imo, plus all his shit goes through magic immunity.

                                                                                              Wraith king - Just takes so freakin long to kill if you don't mana drain him. Comes online sooner than Sven imo. Has scalable late game with % based hp steal and crit.

                                                                                              Troll is not a hard carry. He works better as a buffer to other hard carries and a pusher. Sure he can man fight 1v1 with bashes but too squishy once ult/satanic/bkb are on cooldown.

                                                                                              Agi is just pick your poison, void, spec, dusa, gyro, luna, sniper, all do tremendous amounts of damage. Doesn't really matter which one you pick, just farm your ass off.

                                                                                              Int carries are weird, most need to snowball, most output tons of dmg but are still really squishy. Like silencer buffed up will do tons of orb dmg but still die really fast to a 6 slotted void if he focuses him or any bashing hero.

                                                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                                Str: CK(just try it, six slotted he melts anyone) and Tiny
                                                                                                Agi:it depends, but the strongest are: void, spectre, dusa, druid
                                                                                                Int: 1v1, tinker no doubt, 1 v5 OD


                                                                                                  what should i learn from you, you fucking autist cunt necroretard picker OP

                                                                                                  GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                                                    Dacheat- Medusa carry harder than pl, although pl is also strong hard carry, just look my last dusa game: i outcarry 6 slotted pl that game. I also think that Spectre/Medusa are two equally hardest carry in game, also Medusa or Spectre carry harder than anti mage and void combined, coz am/void are realy weak in late game compare to unkillable tanks carrys like spectre/dusa.
                                                                                                    EG.Alliso- That retard asshole noob scrub piece of shit idiot still talking lol.

                                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                                    GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                                                      I dont think void is that strong in late game, for exampe in this game we outcarried full farmed void and mirana with farmed wk and necro:

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