I think he means you don't see what enemy team is picking until everyone has their hero just like in LoL.
Fuck that, counterpicking is way too fun...
Well, if you like counterpicking, go play All pick... :)
I always pick my hero according to the enemy team, and I'm tired of it...
blind pick is -apdu + you don't see opponent pick till the game start (cann't work in dota, since game can start before everyone picked)
Isn't this idea very stupid anyway, both considering there is a chat log to write in and that when a hero is picked in the other team, you cannot pick it yourself?
lol has blind pick because you have to pay for heroes (lmao) and its basically ap but you can't see enemy picks and there can be 2 of the same heroes on opposite teams. this is so the poor kids aren't left out because all their heroes were taken
@zano - no in blind pick you don't see that an opponent has picked a hero, but if you attempt to pick that hero (by luck or guessing) it wont let you.
also, to those saying it "wont work because of the console" that is nonsense. Obviously if Valve wanted to implement it, they would simply hide that information from the console, just like they have with any other piece of information they want to.
There are many reasons why blind pick isn't implemented, but that is not one of them.
Now then. Lets get some damn ban pick up in this bitch.
Ban pick would buuuurn! XD
Like, I ban Bloodseeker and then pick Slark? Thats okay also...
I don't see why dota 2 doesn't have more modes, and I don't understand why ability draft counts as W/L.
And where the hell is Deathmatch... T_T
Having 2 same heroes in game wouldn't happen as often, maybe Pudges and Invokers... :D
Still it would be okay...
@hotsalza basically yes. Everyone gets 1 ban, then you All pick. Hopefully just a 30 second window to ban shared by all.
no dealing with retard captains.
Bah so many mods missing especially -wtf aremdm!! aswell as supercreeps and all the other mods mirror or simply -Pickmode my personal favorite.
-wtf is there. it requires cheats on though. still wtf was played with -ardm. It was the most fun mode. until someone got zeus
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Would you guys like to have this mode? I'd love it...